A barometer is a scientific instrument that is used to measure air pressure in a certain environment. Pressure tendency can forecast short term changes in the weather.
The device described below contains Arduino and BMP085 sensor module and the pressure is displayed on an analogue ammeter, so the value of air pressure can be read very easily. When starting the device, the arrow deflect to the maximum and return to zero again and serves to calibrate the ammeter, which is connected through a potentiometer on the arduino.
Code as the entire device is very simple and takes a very short time for full implementation.
Тhe minimum and maximum values of the ABSOLUTE air pressure for given altitude are set in the code.Тhe scale is graded in relative pressure.
90135Hpa absolute = 980Hpa relative pressure for 700m altitude
95653Hpa absolute = 1040Hpa relative pressure for 700m altitude
You can find absolute/relative air pressure calculator at: