As a free flying paragliding pilot, I have finally built my own simple but effective instrument that plays beep-beep during climb and so on.
Pressure tendency can forecast short-term changes in the weather. This is a very sophisticated device designed for sailors, yachtsmen, etc.
Arduino Stepper Motor Barometer with additional displays for last 3 & 6 hour pressure changes.
A useful device that serves for a short-term local and three-day weather forecast.
eDOTcore: A portable altimeter, weather station and clock.
Altimeter Smartstrap for action sports and hiking that tells you your current altitude, ascent/decent, and includes real-time altitude graph
An analog-style BMP180 barometer.
Simple weather forecasting using just an ATtiny85, a BMP280 pressure sensor and a 100+ year old algorithm.
Do you know the MQTT protocol? Use this with Cayenne. Build your project and use a free cloud platform with Dashboard and many Widgets.
Arduino weather stations are pretty common these days. This project applies this function to the new Sony's Spresense, with an added bonus.
This project is a compact wireless sensor node that connects directly to a smart phone or tablet to display data from connected sensors.
Arduino based portable altimeter & weather station.
This is a very simple, visually effective, but also very useful device that accurately displays the three basic meteorological parameters
Barometer + Barograph that presents the results in graphic form on a 20x4 LCD display.
An animated clock style barometer that displays the current weather with different slides, driven by an Arduino, 5 servos and a BMP280.
Learn how you can easily measure pressure and temperature with Infineon's DPS310 & DPS368 Pressure Sensors 2Go within the Arduino IDE!
In this project I am going to show you how to connect BMP180 barometer sensor with Digi Xbee3 MicroPython radio module.
Barometer/thermometer/humiditymeter with ten 10-segment led bar
Introducing a unique way to quantify the change in pressure within a room when a closed door opens.
Powered by a single CR123 Lithium battery, this NEW CWX-3-BME280 Board is a Compact Weather Station for IoT Home Automation.
Using MLAB modules and PyMLAB scripts, I quickly built a device to measure and log altitude and pressure data during a skydiving flight, pro