Mirko Pavleski
Published © GPL3+

DIY Pin Pointer Metal Detector

Simple metal detector capable of detecting a small coin at a distance of 4-5 cm.

IntermediateFull instructions provided13,405
DIY Pin Pointer Metal Detector

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
General Purpose Transistor PNP
General Purpose Transistor PNP
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Slide Switch
Slide Switch
Pushbutton Switch, Push-Pull
Pushbutton Switch, Push-Pull
Buzzer, Piezo
Buzzer, Piezo
Few resistors and capacitors
Rechargeable Battery, Lithium Ion
Rechargeable Battery, Lithium Ion

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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int _gtv1;
int _gtv2;
bool _gtv4;
int _swi1;
bool _trgrt1 = 0;
bool _trgrt1I = 0;
bool _gen3I = 0;
bool _gen3O = 0;
unsigned long _gen3P = 0UL;
bool _trgt1 = 0;
bool _trgt1I = 0;
bool _gen2I = 0;
bool _gen2O = 0;
unsigned long _gen2P = 0UL;
bool _trgrt4 = 0;
bool _trgrt4I = 0;
bool _tim1I = 0;
bool _tim1O = 0;
unsigned long _tim1P = 0UL;
bool _tim3I = 0;
bool _tim3O = 0;
unsigned long _tim3P = 0UL;
bool _trgrt2 = 0;
bool _trgrt2I = 0;
bool _gen1I = 0;
bool _gen1O = 0;
unsigned long _gen1P = 0UL;
bool _tim2I = 0;
bool _tim2O = 0;
unsigned long _tim2P = 0UL;
bool _bounseInputD6S = 0;
bool _bounseInputD6O = 0;
unsigned long _bounseInputD6P = 0UL;
bool _trgrt3 = 0;
bool _trgrt3I = 0;
bool _tim4I = 0;
bool _tim4O = 0;
unsigned long _tim4P = 0UL;

void setup()
pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); 
pinMode(7, OUTPUT); 
digitalWrite(7, 0); 
pinMode(8, OUTPUT); 
digitalWrite(8, 0); 

_bounseInputD6O =  digitalRead(6);

void loop()

bool  _bounceInputTmpD6 =  (digitalRead (6));

if (_bounseInputD6S) 
     if (millis() >= (_bounseInputD6P + 40)) 
         {_bounseInputD6O= _bounceInputTmpD6; _bounseInputD6S=0;}
     if (_bounceInputTmpD6 != _bounseInputD6O )
         {_bounseInputD6S=1; _bounseInputD6P = millis();} 

if (!(_bounseInputD6O))
{ if (_tim3I) { if (_isTimer(_tim3P, 3000)) {_tim3O = 1;}} else {_tim3I =1; _tim3P = millis();}} else {_tim3O = 0; _tim3I = 0;}
if (_tim3O) { if (_trgrt4I) { _trgrt4 = 0;} else {_trgrt4 = 1; _trgrt4I = 1;} } else {_trgrt4 = 0; _trgrt4I = 0;}; 
 bool  _tmp1 = _trgrt4;
if (_tmp1)  { if (! _trgt1I) _trgt1 = ! _trgt1; } 
_trgt1I = _tmp1; 
analogWrite(3, _swi1);
if (!(0)) { if (! _gen1I) { _gen1I = 1; _gen1O = 1; _gen1P = millis(); } } else { _gen1I = 0 ; _gen1O= 0;}
 if (_gen1I) {  if ( _isTimer ( _gen1P , 10 )) { _gen1P = millis(); _gen1O = ! _gen1O;}}
if (_gen1O) {
_gtv1 =  (analogRead (0));
if ((_gtv1) < (_gtv2))
{ if (_tim1I) { if (_isTimer(_tim1P, 100)) {_tim1O = 1;}} else {_tim1I =1; _tim1P = millis();}} else {_tim1O = 0; _tim1I = 0;}
if (_tim1O) { if (! _gen2I) { _gen2I = 1; _gen2O = 1; _gen2P = millis(); } } else { _gen2I = 0 ; _gen2O= 0;}
 if (_gen2I) {  if ( _isTimer ( _gen2P , (map((_gtv1), (0), ((_gtv2)), (0), (100))) )) { _gen2P = millis(); _gen2O = ! _gen2O;}}
if (!(0)) { if (_trgrt3I) { _trgrt3 = 0;} else {_trgrt3 = 1; _trgrt3I = 1;} } else {_trgrt3 = 0; _trgrt3I = 0;}; 
 if (( (_trgrt3) || (!(_bounseInputD6O)) || (_gtv4) )) { if (_trgrt2I) { _trgrt2 = 0;} else {_trgrt2 = 1; _trgrt2I = 1;} } else {_trgrt2 = 0; _trgrt2I = 0;}; 
 if(_trgrt2) {_tim2O = 1; _tim2I = 1;} else { if(_tim2I) {_tim2I = 0; _tim2P = millis();} else { if (_tim2O) {if ( _isTimer(_tim2P, 300000)) _tim2O = 0;}}}
if (!(_tim2O)) {if (! _gen3I) { _gen3I = 1; _gen3O = 1; _gen3P =  millis(); } } else { _gen3I = 0 ;  _gen3O= 0;  } if (_gen3I ) { if (_gen3O) { if ( _isTimer( _gen3P , 500 )) { _gen3P = millis(); _gen3O = 0; } } else  { if ( _isTimer( _gen3P , 100 )) {  _gen3P = millis(); _gen3O = 1;  } } }
if(( (( (_gen2O) || ((_gtv1) < (4)) )) || (_gen3O) )) {_tim4O = 1; _tim4I = 1;} else { if(_tim4I) {_tim4I = 0; _tim4P = millis();} else { if (_tim4O) {if ( _isTimer(_tim4P, 50)) _tim4O = 0;}}}
digitalWrite(7, _tim4O);
digitalWrite(8, ( (( (_gen2O) || ((_gtv1) < (4)) )) || (_gen3O) ));
_gtv4 = ( (_gen2O) || ((_gtv1) < (4)) );
if (!(0)) { if (_trgrt1I) { _trgrt1 = 0;} else {_trgrt1 = 1; _trgrt1I = 1;} } else {_trgrt1 = 0; _trgrt1I = 0;}; 
 if (( (_trgrt1) || (!(_bounseInputD6O)) )) {
_gtv2 = _gtv1;


bool _isTimer(unsigned long startTime, unsigned long period )
  unsigned long currentTime;
currentTime = millis();
if (currentTime>= startTime) {return (currentTime>=(startTime + period));} else {return (currentTime >=(4294967295-startTime+period));}


Mirko Pavleski
155 projects • 1309 followers
