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Mirko Pavleski
Published © GPL3+

How to make simplest Arduino European Roulette Game

Thanks to the "Charlieplexing technique", the construction is drastically simplified

BeginnerFull instructions provided3 hours3,812
How to make simplest Arduino European Roulette Game

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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circuit diagram




Arduino code

code Arduino
// Roulette, European Wheel
// c(2017) Th.M. Hupkens. Tested with an Arduino nano

#define PushButton 12

#define Click A5
#define ZeroLed 11
int quarter = A1; // Keeps track of in which quarter the current led is
int led; // Keeps track of which led is ON
bool CCW = true; // Counter clockwise
void setup() {
  for (int i = 2; i <= 11; i++) pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PushButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  for (int a = A1; a <= A5; a++) pinMode(a, OUTPUT); // LOW = ON
  for (int nowmber = 1; nowmber < 4; nowmber++)
    for (int i = 2; i <= 10; i++) { // Animation when wheel starts up
      digitalWrite(i, HIGH);
      delay(200 - nowmber * 40 - (i - 2) * 5);
      digitalWrite(i, LOW);
  randomSeed(analogRead(A0)); // Initialise the random nowmber generator
  led = random(2, 11); quarter = random(A1, A5); // choose led from 1 to 10; choose quarter from A1 to A4
  for (int a = A1; a <= A4; a++) digitalWrite(a, a != quarter); digitalWrite(led, HIGH); 

void loop() {
  while (digitalRead(PushButton)); 
  unsigned long now = millis();
  while (!digitalRead(PushButton));
  unsigned long tijd = millis() - now;
  int Steps = 37 + random(18); // For the time being
  if (tijd > 500) Steps *= 2;  // Pressing the push button more than half a second gives a longer roll
  if (tijd > 5000) Steps *= 2.01;
  int Stap = 1;
  while (Stap < Steps) {
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);
    if (CCW) {
      if (led > 10) {
        if (quarter == A4) {
          if (led > 11) {
            quarter = A1;
            led = 2;
        else {
          led = 2;
    else { // if NOT counter clockwise
      if (led < 2) {
        if (quarter == A1) {
          led = ZeroLed;
          quarter = A4;
        else {
          led = 10; 
    for (int a = A1; a <= A4; a++) digitalWrite(a, a != quarter); // if a is not the current quarter then a -> HIGH else a -> LOW
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Click, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(40); digitalWrite(Click, LOW);
    unsigned int delaytijd = 40 + Stap * 5;
    if (tijd > 500) delaytijd /= 2;
  CCW = !CCW;


Mirko Pavleski
167 projects • 1371 followers


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