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Boian Mitov
Published © GPL3+

ESP8266 and Wii Nunchuck: WiFi Remote Control Car Robot

Build a robot car, and control it with Wii Nunchuck over WiFI - Quick and Easy!

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour7,480
ESP8266 and Wii Nunchuck: WiFi Remote Control Car Robot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
Smart Car Chassis
L298N Dual Motor Driver Module
Wii Nunchuck
USB Battery Pack
USB Power Supply (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Visuino - Graphical Development Environment for Arduino
Visuino - Graphical Development Environment for Arduino
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Boian Mitov

Boian Mitov

75 projects • 439 followers
CEO of Mitov Software, and creator of Visuino
