- Problem statement
The number of infected people with Covid-19 is becoming increasingly high which has lead to a health crisis in Egypt. although the Egyptian government is doing a considerable effort to prevent the spread of the virus, many people discover their infection in the last stages. as a result, their recovery rate is reduced, and the possibility of infection transmission to the surrounding people increases.
- Motivation
When we started to search about problems in dealing with coronavirus pandemic the main problem was its high speared rate. this problem delays the curation process because of the lack of medical supplies and causes many factories to shut down because of one infected worker.
- Solution Pitch
Our system approach is to increase awareness of Corona patients with their condition through early diagnosis of the infection and periodic follow-up by a sensor-based system. the system uses simple bracelet with temperature sensor. our application is provided with a built-in medical assistant bot. it provides a hospital-patient interactive system in which the hospitals can provide us with information like its availability, phone number, and address. this system is also supported by map activity where the patient can reach nearby hospitals according to his current location. We made people aware of the seriousness of the virus by using animations and some statistics about the spread of it.
- The core technologies we used :
sensor-based system: we use the (LM35) temperature sensor to collect the needed data from the patient whereas the whole communication process was managed using node MCU controller and "https://thingspeak.com/" which was used to receive the data from the sensor and provide it to the application in JSON format. the data were displayed in our application using MPAndroidChart “https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart” dependency and recycler view with custom adapter.
android-medical-assistant: we used a Covid-19 API “https://infermedica.com/covid19” provided by infermedica.com to construct a boot which the user can interact with, tell his symptoms, and get immediate feedback.
Hospital-patient system: we used a firebase services to create a profiles for the hospitals (full data including name, address, contact number) and display them to the patients we used " https://developers.arcgis.com/" to find nearby hospitals according to the user location
statistics and awareness portion: we used the API provided from "https://corona.lmao.ninja" to display some statistics about the spread of the virus to the user like active cases, deaths, recovered, infected people numbers..etc. we also utilized animations provided from " https://lottiefiles.com/ " to visualize our data like precautions that should be followed, information about the virus, and our current situation.
- Most valuable customers (MVCs)
The most valuable customers to our system are the companies, factories, parents, and governmental Institutions with a big number of employees. the service our system provides is very essential to this customer if one worker has coronavirus, he will take almost one week to infect the whole company and after another week the production will stop definitely. The targeted individuals that should use our serves are the workers and employees who cannot work from home. the system we provide will serve those by providing a temperature tracker which will reduce the number of infected people by the user before his knowledge of his infection and will provide a fast doctor diagnosis and symptoms analysis by the bot in the application.
- Sustainability
We will do many changes to adapt the fluctuations in the nature of the virus and provide more care of the patient state.we will add more features to our app and add diseases database to keep serve the users after the coronavirus is over. the main steps we will follow is to 1- keep contact channel between us and the users 2- link the app with a website for separating the benefit to more platforms 3- make partnerships with charities to provide us with the data about the people with disabilities and how we can serve them.
- Scalability and extensibility
First of all we will review the customers feedback from our database and determine the strengths and weaknesses that the users noted. we will add one more essential sensor to our bracelet which is pulse sensor.the main future plane we have is to apply our system on the people with disabilities to let their parents know their state (temperature & heart pulses ), read more about their disability, can ask our bot about the symptoms of any diseases and can contact to hospitals easily as we did with coronavirus in our system.
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