Do you want more information on this Smart Stick for Blind People?
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Hello Folks.....
In this Project I made a Smart Stick For Blind Peoples..
In this Smart stick there is a sensor which senses the obstacles or walls from 1 or half meter range then this stick vibrates & makes buzz sound.
This Smart Stick warns the blind person that there is an obstacle or wall in-front of him/her.
Then that person will be warned from obstacle or wall.
This is a great project which can be made at home easily.
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Steps to make this project:
1. Take Arduino Nano, Buzzer, Ultrasonic sensor, Vibrating motor, battery, switch, and a wooden stick or plastic pipe.
2. Take stick and place ultrasonic sensor on it. Connect the Jumper wires on it.
3. Then place Buzzer and Vibrating motor on the stick.
4. Connect the jumper wires to buzzer and Vibrating motor.
5. Do connections from circuit diagram.
6. Place the Arduino Nano, Battery and switch on the stick.
7. Upload the code.
8. After Uploading now check for the Blind stick.
Your project is ready...!!!
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