Bluetooth Control Home automation system is great projects on Arduino uno board. it is interesting when you control things by your mobile phone. There are many things in this tutorial to learn. when you will do the projects you learn communication protocols, connection, Tx, Rx data transfer. and how to get the input from the external device.
You will also learn the coding part. you must have the arduino IDE software and learn the bluetooth control home automation code for Arduino from our full tutorial. so if you want to make this projects by itself and want to learn the whole project follow the given steps in the post.
In this projects you have to use an HC-05 Buetooth module, which comes in slave mode with password 1233 or 0000. so it is easy to connect to the mobile device and. there is an android app by which you can control anything which can be connect to the system.
It is a basic example of using UART protocol and interfacing the serial device with the arduino. learn the basic of the communication and also get the full tutorial, code and circuit by the one click here.