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Julien Vanier
Published © CC BY-SA

What should I wear outside?

A whimsical weather clock powered by Particle and forecast.io

IntermediateFull instructions provided7,829
What should I wear outside?

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Shadow box frame
Arduino Servo Motor


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Custom parts and enclosures

Clock pointer

An antique-looking 3D printed clock hand that clips on top of the servo arm.

Clock pointer vector graphic

Source file for 3D print

CAD script

Convert the 2D drawings to a 3D shape

Original 3D models

Look in the 3D folder of the GitHub repository

Poster with the clothes icons

Print it and put it in the frame


Wiring diagram

Connection for the servo motor with the Particle microcontroller and batteries

Wiring diagram

How to wire the servo, Particle microcontroller and batteries

Fritzing diagram


Photon Firmware source code

Look in the Firmware folder of the GitHub repository

Clothes determination hook source code

Create a hook.io hook and use this code.


Julien Vanier
10 projects • 64 followers


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