This project was for a contest being held by Make Magazine, and the goal of the contest was to design and print an April Fool's day cup that was difficult to drink out of. I spent few weeks designing the ways to fail, and then polished up the design. I also made a short video about it to help describe what it was, and also to just have fun seeing my friends try the cup. This was an incredibly enjoyable and rewarding project, and I hope that other people enjoy the cup as much as I did.
Also, the cup should be printed at 0.15 mm layer height and 50% infill, and it doesn't need to be scaled in the slicer. The cup actually has fairly thin walls, so to help with the structural integrity a higher infill for the cup is needed. Thankfully however, the volume that actually needs infill is so small that printing at such a high percentage doesn't add a terribly large amount of time to the admittedly long print time.
To drink from the cup, tip it towards the handle and allow the water to flow to out the top. You should notice that not a lot of water flows out the bottom. Once you've done that suck from the straw on the right side of the cup, with the handle pointing towards you. That's it. It's a very easy solution, but it's hard to find on your own because there are so many ways to fail.
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