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MIDI Host4RaspberryPi

Connect & control your old MIDI devices with modern plug in formats. A RaspberryPi Zero works headless extended by a web interface.

IntermediateProtip24 hours1,193
MIDI Host4RaspberryPi

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Zero
Raspberry Pi Zero
USB Expansion HUB, USB 2.0 Powered
USB Expansion HUB, USB 2.0 Powered
Any cheap USB HUB to use the case and the internal HUB PCB.
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable
Only the USB-APlug is required to provide the 5V power.
DIN Audio / Video Connector, 5 Contacts
DIN Audio / Video Connector, 5 Contacts
And many more... . See schematic.

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian


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MIDIInterface + PowerSwitch RaspberryPi

The schematic of the RaspberryPi "Hat". Contains the Power ON/Off switch and standard MIDI Interface.



Explanation and my example configuration to work fine with the LINUX alsa interface.


2 projects • 1 follower
Started the 1980s in electronic. Educated in mechatronic, process engineering + electronic. But hang on professional Software development.


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