If you have a mobile esp32 like the T-Koala or any esp32, you might require your device to connect to networks outside of your own. This application demonstrates how to "auto-connect" to other networks. First you need to do is to add this app...
Serial Bluetooth Terminalto your phone.
The command string the program recognizes is Connect:ssid, password
Add this to one of the app's pre-sets substituting your required ssid and password. On ESP32 power-up, the program will wait 30 seconds then fail-safe to AP mode. Pair with the ESP32 - "MicroBOSS2" Bluetooth device then connect with the Terminal app and send the string, the program will respond when it receives the code. Next there will be a connection attempt to the network, the OLED display will show progress. See the network.h file for more info.
Notes on using the T-Koala esp32 Wrover-B.
Although the OLED has a better working voltage range, ie. works well at 3.3V and 5V but on the other hand the SD card does not handle 3.3V well. I strongly recommend using a 5V source for the SD card. This will hopefully prevent bad data and corrupted cards. In this project, I used a simple 5V boost converter to supply the SD card with 5V from the switched 3.3V. Also the GPIO05 pin is internally connected to the Green LED. I moved the SD SS to GPIO04 from the standard GPIO05. Battery voltage can be read from the GPIO35(analog mode)
Part 2:
There is a demonstration of a simple Telnet service and how to use ANSI terminal commands. See the telnet_support.h file for details. If you login to your device at the assigned IP you will get this...
TTGO T-Koala
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