Neal Markham

BLE Bicycle Speed Sensor

Stuck at home in lockdown and needed a way to connect my old bicycle and old indoor trainer to my fitness watch / phone via bluetooth.

AdvancedWork in progress6 hours6,830
BLE Bicycle Speed Sensor

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Argon
Magnetic Proximity Sensor, SPST-NO
Magnetic Proximity Sensor, SPST-NO
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm

Software apps and online services

Particle Build Web IDE
Particle Build Web IDE


Read more


Particle Argon

Bike Setup

Bike on Stationary Trainer


BLE CSC Sensor

Bluetooth code emulating a store-bought BLE Cycle Speed and Cadence sensor using a Particle Argon
#include "Particle.h"

SerialLogHandler logHandler(LOG_LEVEL_INFO);

const unsigned long UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 2000;
unsigned long lastUpdate = 0;
unsigned long lastwheelUpdate = 0;
unsigned long previouswheelUpdate = 0;
int led2 = D7;                                      //onboard LED connected to D7
volatile int swCount;
uint16_t wheel_rev_period;
uint16_t crank_rev_period;
const int debouncePeriod = 150;                      //interrupt debounce period, per magnet passby

//float measurements_update();
void measurements_update(void);

//global definitions
#define 	WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE_MM                  2105
#define 	KPH_TO_MM_PER_SEC                       278
#define 	MIN_SPEED_KPH                           1
#define 	MAX_SPEED_KPH                           50
#define 	SPEED_KPH_INCREMENT                     1
#define 	DEGREES_PER_REVOLUTION                  360
#define 	RPM_TO_DEGREES_PER_SEC                  6
#define 	MIN_CRANK_RPM                           20
#define 	MAX_CRANK_RPM                           100
#define 	CRANK_RPM_INCREMENT                     3

/* Cycling Speed and Cadence configuration */
#define     GATT_CSC_UUID                           0x1816
#define     GATT_CSC_MEASUREMENT_UUID               0x2A5B
#define     GATT_CSC_FEATURE_UUID                   0x2A5C
#define     GATT_SENSOR_LOCATION_UUID               0x2A5D
#define     GATT_SC_CONTROL_POINT_UUID              0x2A55
/* Device Information configuration */
#define     GATT_DEVICE_INFO_UUID                   0x180A
#define     GATT_MANUFACTURER_NAME_UUID             0x2A29
#define     GATT_MODEL_NUMBER_UUID                  0x2A24

/*CSC Measurement flags*/

/* CSC feature flags */
#define     CSC_FEATURE_WHEEL_REV_DATA              0x01
#define     CSC_FEATURE_CRANK_REV_DATA              0x02
#define     CSC_FEATURE_MULTIPLE_SENSOR_LOC         0x04

/* Sensor location enum */
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_OTHER                   0
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_TOP_OF_SHOE             1
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_IN_SHOE                 2
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_HIP                     3
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_FRONT_WHEEL             4
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_LEFT_CRANK              5
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_RIGHT_CRANK             6
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_LEFT_PEDAL              7
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_RIGHT_PEDAL             8
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_FROT_HUB                9
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_REAR_DROPOUT            10
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_CHAINSTAY               11
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_REAR_WHEEL              12
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_REAR_HUB                13
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_CHEST                   14
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_SPIDER                  15
#define     SENSOR_LOCATION_CHAIN_RING              16

/* SC Control Point op codes */
#define     SC_CP_OP_SET_CUMULATIVE_VALUE           1
#define     SC_CP_OP_UPDATE_SENSOR_LOCATION         3
#define     SC_CP_OP_RESPONSE                       16

/*SC Control Point response values */
#define     SC_CP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS                  1
#define     SC_CP_RESPONSE_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED         2
#define     SC_CP_RESPONSE_INVALID_PARAM            3
#define     SC_CP_RESPONSE_OP_FAILED                4

/* CSC simulation configuration */
#define     CSC_FEATURES                            (CSC_FEATURE_WHEEL_REV_DATA | \
                                                    CSC_FEATURE_CRANK_REV_DATA |\

//static uint16_t csc_sim_speed_kph = MIN_SPEED_KPH;      /* Variable holds simulted speed (kilometers per hour) */
//static uint8_t csc_sim_crank_rpm = MIN_CRANK_RPM;       /* Variable holds simulated cadence (RPM) */

BleUuid CyclingSpeedAndCadenceService(GATT_CSC_UUID);   //"Cycling Speed and Cadence"	org.bluetooth.service.cycling_speed_and_cadence	0x1816	GSS

BleCharacteristic cscc("CSC Measurement", BleCharacteristicProperty::NOTIFY, BleUuid(GATT_CSC_MEASUREMENT_UUID), CyclingSpeedAndCadenceService);
BleCharacteristic Sensor_Location("Location", BleCharacteristicProperty::READ, BleUuid(GATT_SENSOR_LOCATION_UUID), CyclingSpeedAndCadenceService);
BleCharacteristic SC_ControlPoint("SC Control Point", BleCharacteristicProperty::INDICATE, BleUuid(GATT_SC_CONTROL_POINT_UUID), CyclingSpeedAndCadenceService);
BleCharacteristic CSC_Feature("CSC Feature", BleCharacteristicProperty::INDICATE, BleUuid(GATT_CSC_FEATURE_UUID), CyclingSpeedAndCadenceService);

// The battery level service allows the battery level to be monitored
BleUuid batteryLevelService(BLE_SIG_UUID_BATTERY_SVC);

BleCharacteristic batteryLevelCharacteristic("Battery Service", BleCharacteristicProperty::NOTIFY, BleUuid(0x180F), batteryLevelService);
//BleCharacteristic batteryLevelCharacteristic("Battery Service", BleCharacteristicProperty::NOTIFY, BleUuid(0x2A19), batteryLevelService);

uint8_t lastBattery = 100;

//Cycling Variables
uint32_t cum_wheel_rev = 0;
uint16_t last_wheel_event = 0;
uint16_t cum_cranks = 0;
uint16_t last_crank_event = 0;
uint16_t csc_sim_speed_kph = 0;      
uint16_t csc_sim_crank_rpm = 0; 

void setup() {
    Log.warn("Bluetooth Emulation");
    (void)logHandler; // Does nothing, just to eliminate the unused variable warning
    //batteryLevelCharacteristic.setValue(&lastBattery, 1);

    uint8_t buf[BLE_MAX_ADV_DATA_LEN];
    size_t offset = 0;

    buf[offset++] = 0x01;
    buf[offset++] = 0xFC;

    BleAdvertisingData advData;
    advData.appendLocalName("WAHOO BLUESC");
    // Continuously advertise when not connected
    //set up pin modes for LED and input, interrupt for input
    pinMode(D11, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
    pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
    attachInterrupt(D11, switchIsr, RISING);

void loop() {
    if (millis() - lastUpdate >= UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS) {
        lastUpdate = millis();
        if (BLE.connected()) {
            uint8_t data_buf[11];
            uint8_t data_offset = 1;

            //The Cycle Measurement Characteristic data is defined here:
            //Frist byte is flags. Wheel Revolution Data Present (0 = false, 1 = true) = 1, Crank Revolution Data Present (0 = false, 1 = true), so the flags are 0x03 (binary 11 converted to HEX).
            data_buf[0] |= CSC_FEATURE_WHEEL_REV_DATA;
            data_offset += 6;
            // Setting values for cycling measures (from the Characteristic File)
            //Cumulative Wheel Revolutions (unitless)
            //Last Wheel Event Time (Unit has a resolution of 1/1024s)
            //Cumulative Crank Revolutions (unitless)
            //Last Crank Event Time (Unit has a resolution of 1/1024s)
            memcpy(&data_buf[1], &cum_wheel_rev, 4);
            memcpy(&data_buf[5], &last_wheel_event, 5);
            memcpy(&data_buf[7], &cum_cranks, 6);
            memcpy(&data_buf[9], &last_crank_event, 7);

            cscc.setValue(data_buf, sizeof(data_buf));

            // The battery starts at 100% and drops to 10% then will jump back up again
            batteryLevelCharacteristic.setValue(&lastBattery, 1);
            if (--lastBattery < 90) {
                lastBattery = 100;
        else {
  "Not yet connected");
            cum_wheel_rev = 0;                  //keep the cumulative wheel revolutions at 0 whilst not connected
            cum_cranks = 0;                      //keep the cumulative crank revolutions at 0 whilst not connected
            cum_wheel_rev = 0;
            last_wheel_event = 0;

void measurements_update() {
    Log.warn("Measurement Update Loop");
    if(swCount) {

        //unsigned long currentTime = millis();
        swCount = 0;
        Serial.printlnf("Wheel_Rev_Period : %d", wheel_rev_period);
        Serial.printlnf("LastwheelUpdte : %d", lastwheelUpdate);
        Serial.printlnf("Cum_Wheel_Rev : %d", cum_wheel_rev);
        Serial.printlnf("Speed (km/h) : %u", csc_sim_speed_kph);
        Serial.printlnf("Crank RPM : %u", csc_sim_crank_rpm);
        Serial.printlnf("Cum. Cranks : %u", cum_cranks);
        Serial.printlnf("Crank Period : %u", crank_rev_period);
    Log.warn("Finished Measurement Update Loop");

void switchIsr()
    static volatile int lastInterruptMillis = 0;
    if(millis()-lastInterruptMillis>debouncePeriod) {
    lastInterruptMillis = millis();
    wheel_rev_period = millis() - lastwheelUpdate;
    lastwheelUpdate = millis();
    last_wheel_event += wheel_rev_period;
    csc_sim_speed_kph = (3.6*WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE_MM)/wheel_rev_period;
    csc_sim_crank_rpm = 0.32*60*1000/wheel_rev_period;
    //csc_sim_crank_rpm = (60/(wheel_rev_period/1000))*(16/50);                  //rear cog = 16 teeth, front cog = 50 teeth (fixed speed; no other gears)
    cum_cranks = cum_wheel_rev*0.32;
    //crank_rev_period = 360/csc_sim_crank_rpm;
    crank_rev_period = ((50/16)*1024*wheel_rev_period);
    last_crank_event += crank_rev_period;
    //csc_sim_speed_kph = ((60*WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE_MM*60)/(1000000*wheel_rev_period));
    //csc_sim_speed_kph = ((36*64*WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE_MM)/(625*wheel_rev_period));
    //wheel_rev_period = (1024*60*60*WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE_MM) / (1000000*csc_sim_speed_kph);
    //wheel_rev_period = wheel_rev_period*1024;


static void blecsc_simulate_speed_and_cadence()
    uint16_t wheel_rev_period;
    uint16_t crank_rev_period;

    /* Update simulated crank and wheel rotation speed */
    if (csc_sim_speed_kph >= MAX_SPEED_KPH) {
         csc_sim_speed_kph = MIN_SPEED_KPH;
    if (csc_sim_crank_rpm >= MAX_CRANK_RPM) {
         csc_sim_crank_rpm = MIN_CRANK_RPM;
    /* Calculate simulated measurement values */
    if (csc_sim_speed_kph > 0){
        wheel_rev_period = (36*64*WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE_MM) / 
        last_wheel_event += wheel_rev_period;
    if (csc_sim_crank_rpm > 0){
        crank_rev_period = (60*1024) / csc_sim_crank_rpm;
        last_crank_event += crank_rev_period; 

    //if(digitalRead(D11) == HIGH) {
    //    wheel_rev_period = millis()-lastwheelUpdate;

    //digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
    //wheel_rev_period = (36*64*WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE_MM) / 
    //                       (625*csc_sim_speed_kph);
    //Update wheel measurements from magnet and update crank / wheel / speed values. 
    /* Update simulated CSC measurements.
     * Each call increments wheel and crank revolution counters by one and
     * computes last event time in order to match simulated candence and speed.
     * Last event time is expressedd in 1/1024th of second units.
     *                 60 * 1024
     * crank_dt =    --------------
     *                cadence[RPM]
     *                circumference[mm] * 1024 * 60 * 60
     * wheel_dt =    -------------------------------------
     *                         10^6 * speed [kph] 

BLE CSC Measurement

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Neal Markham

Neal Markham

2 projects • 4 followers
