This is another experiment we are doing at the Sesc São Paulo Workshop. I adapted the Orestis Zekai maze generator code to run on the Neopixel screen. All games that we will develop on this platform will use the same interface (Analog Joystick) and the same simple sound output (Buzzer RTTTL). In this first implementation, the player must move the red pixel to the exit of the maze (green pixel).
At the of level, a Marquee Message appears and a new maze is drawed on the screen.
In addition to the routine that designs the maze, we implemented solutions to detect the entry and exit point of the maze, the directional system for the joystick and collision detection.
With the help of GPT Chat, I'm now working on an enemy that chases the player through the maze, to create a little more suspense.
Original code from Orestis Zekai
From Medium Article in:
Adapted by Djair Guilherme (Nicolau dos Brinquedos) with a help from ChatGPT
For the "Recriating Arcade Games in Circuitpython, Neopixel and Seeed Xiao RP2040"
SESC Workshop - São Paulo - Brazil - May 2024
Requirements: custom tilegrid, tile_framebuf, my_framebuf libraries
Available at:
import time, gc
import board, random
import neopixel_spi as neopixel
# To display Level Change Message in Rainbow Marquee
from adafruit_display_text.bitmap_label import Label
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
from displayio import Bitmap
from rainbowio import colorwheel
import terminalio
# Treating Joystick
from analogio import AnalogIn
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
from simpleio import map_range
# Adding simple RTTTL Sound
import adafruit_rtttl
# My custom version of Library
from tile_framebuf import TileFramebuffer
spi = board.SPI()
pixel_pin = board.D10
pixel_width = 32
pixel_height = 8
num_tiles = 2
num_pixels = pixel_width * pixel_height * num_tiles
joystick_x = AnalogIn(board.A0)
joystick_y = AnalogIn(board.A1)
trigger = DigitalInOut (board.D2)
trigger.direction = Direction.INPUT
trigger.pull = Pull.UP
buzzer = board.D3
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel_SPI(
pixel_width * pixel_height * num_tiles, # dont forget to multiply for num_tiles
screen = TileFramebuffer(
rotation = 0
# Load Bitmap Font
font = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/tom-thumb.pcf", Bitmap)
def get_x(pin):
return map_range (pin.value, 200, 65535, - 2 , 2)
def get_y(pin):
return map_range (pin.value, 200, 65535, - 2 , 2)
def get_pixel_color(x, y):
# Adjusting coordinates based on rotation
if screen.rotation == 1:
x, y = y, x
x = screen._width - x - 1
elif screen.rotation == 2:
x = screen._width - x - 1
y = screen._height * screen._tile_num - y - 1
elif screen.rotation == 3:
x, y = y, x
y = screen._height * screen._tile_num - y - 1
# Check if coordinates are in valid limits
if (0 <= x < screen._width) and (0 <= y < screen._height * screen._tile_num):
# Get pixel adjusting screen position
rgbint = screen.format.get_pixel(screen, x, y)
return (rgbint // 256 // 256 % 256, rgbint // 256 % 256, rgbint % 256)
# Black (0, 0, 0) if out bounds
return (0, 0, 0)
# Set pixel color
def set_pixel_color(x, y, color):
screen.pixel(x, y, color)
# Check if is valid movement
def is_valid_move(x, y):
if x < 0 or x >= screen._width or y < 0 or y >= screen._height * screen._tile_num:
return False
color = get_pixel_color(x, y)
return color != (0, 255, 255) # Wall color is 0x00ffff
# Check end of maze
def is_end(x, y):
color = get_pixel_color(x, y)
# print(f"Check if ({x}, {y}) is end maze: {color}")
return color == (0, 255, 0) # End Color is 0x00ff00
class Maze():
# This class create and draw a maze
def __init__(self, screen):
self.screen = screen
self.height = self.screen.height * self.screen._tile_num
self.width = self.screen.width // 2
self.__unvisited = 'u'
self.__cell = 'c'
self.__walls = 'w'
self.__entry = 'e'
self.__exit = 'x'
self.maze = []
self.entry_x = 0
self.entry_y = 0
self.exit_x = 0
self.exit_y = 0
def get_entry(self):
return self.entry_x, self.entry_y
def get_exit(self):
return self.exit_x, self.exit_y
def set_entry(self,x,y):
self.entry_x = x
self.entry_y = y
def set_exit(self,x,y):
self.exit_x = x
self.exit_y = y
def redraw(self):
self.maze = []
def draw(self):
for i in range(0, self.height):
for j in range(0, self.width):
if (self.maze[i][j] == self.__unvisited):
self.screen.pixel (i,j, 0xffffff)
elif (self.maze[i][j] == self.__cell):
self.screen.pixel (i,j, 0x000000)
elif (self.maze[i][j] == self.__exit):
self.screen.pixel (i,j, 0x00ff00)
self.set_exit (i,j)
elif (self.maze[i][j] == self.__entry):
self.screen.pixel (i,j, 0xff0000)
self.set_entry (i,j)
self.screen.pixel (i,j, 0x00ffff)
# Find number of surrounding cells
def surroundingCells(self, rand_wall):
s_cells = 0
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] == self.__cell):
s_cells += 1
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] == self.__cell):
s_cells += 1
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] == self.__cell):
s_cells +=1
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] == self.__cell):
s_cells += 1
return s_cells
def generate(self):
# Denote all cells as unvisited
for i in range(0, self.height):
line = []
for j in range(0, self.width):
# Randomize starting point and set it a cell
starting_height = int(random.random()*self.height)
starting_width = int(random.random()*self.width)
if (starting_height == 0):
starting_height += 1
if (starting_height == self.height-1):
starting_height -= 1
if (starting_width == 0):
starting_width += 1
if (starting_width == self.width-1):
starting_width -= 1
# Mark it as cell and add surrounding walls to the list
self.maze[starting_height][starting_width] = self.__cell
walls = []
walls.append([starting_height - 1, starting_width])
walls.append([starting_height, starting_width - 1])
walls.append([starting_height, starting_width + 1])
walls.append([starting_height + 1, starting_width])
# Denote walls in maze
self.maze[starting_height-1][starting_width] = self.__walls
self.maze[starting_height][starting_width - 1] = self.__walls
self.maze[starting_height][starting_width + 1] = self.__walls
self.maze[starting_height + 1][starting_width] = self.__walls
while (walls):
# Pick a random wall
rand_wall = walls[int(random.random()*len(walls))-1]
# Check if it is a left wall
if (rand_wall[1] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] == self.__unvisited and self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] == self.__cell):
# Find the number of surrounding cells
s_cells = self.surroundingCells(rand_wall)
if (s_cells < 2):
# Denote the new path
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]] = self.__cell
# Mark the new walls
# Upper cell
if (rand_wall[0] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0]-1, rand_wall[1]] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0]-1, rand_wall[1]])
# Bottom cell
if (rand_wall[0] != self.height-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0]+1, rand_wall[1]] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0]+1, rand_wall[1]])
# Leftmost cell
if (rand_wall[1] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]-1] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]-1])
# Delete wall
for wall in walls:
if (wall[0] == rand_wall[0] and wall[1] == rand_wall[1]):
# Check if it is an upper wall
if (rand_wall[0] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] == self.__unvisited and self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] == self.__cell):
s_cells = self.surroundingCells(rand_wall)
if (s_cells < 2):
# Denote the new path
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]] = self.__cell
# Mark the new walls
# Upper cell
if (rand_wall[0] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0]-1, rand_wall[1]] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0]-1, rand_wall[1]])
# Leftmost cell
if (rand_wall[1] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]-1] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]-1])
# Rightmost cell
if (rand_wall[1] != self.width-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]+1] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]+1])
# Delete wall
for wall in walls:
if (wall[0] == rand_wall[0] and wall[1] == rand_wall[1]):
# Check the bottom wall
if (rand_wall[0] != self.height-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] == self.__unvisited and self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] == self.__cell):
s_cells = self.surroundingCells(rand_wall)
if (s_cells < 2):
# Denote the new path
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]] = self.__cell
# Mark the new walls
if (rand_wall[0] != self.height-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0]+1, rand_wall[1]] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0]+1, rand_wall[1]])
if (rand_wall[1] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]-1] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]-1])
if (rand_wall[1] != self.width-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]+1] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]+1])
# Delete wall
for wall in walls:
if (wall[0] == rand_wall[0] and wall[1] == rand_wall[1]):
# Check the right wall
if (rand_wall[1] != self.width-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] == self.__unvisited and self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]-1] == self.__cell):
s_cells = self.surroundingCells(rand_wall)
if (s_cells < 2):
# Denote the new path
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]] = self.__cell
# Mark the new walls
if (rand_wall[1] != self.width-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]][rand_wall[1]+1] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]+1] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0], rand_wall[1]+1])
if (rand_wall[0] != self.height-1):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]+1][rand_wall[1]] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0]+1, rand_wall[1]] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0]+1, rand_wall[1]])
if (rand_wall[0] != 0):
if (self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] != self.__cell):
self.maze[rand_wall[0]-1][rand_wall[1]] = self.__walls
if ([rand_wall[0]-1, rand_wall[1]] not in walls):
walls.append([rand_wall[0]-1, rand_wall[1]])
# Delete wall
for wall in walls:
if (wall[0] == rand_wall[0] and wall[1] == rand_wall[1]):
# Delete the wall from the list anyway
for wall in walls:
if (wall[0] == rand_wall[0] and wall[1] == rand_wall[1]):
# Mark the remaining unvisited cells as walls
for i in range(0, self.height):
for j in range(0, self.width):
if (self.maze[i][j] == self.__unvisited):
self.maze[i][j] = self.__walls
# Set entrance and exit
for i in range(0, self.width):
if (self.maze[1][i] == self.__cell):
self.maze[0][i] = self.__entry
for i in range(self.width-1, 0, -1):
if (self.maze[self.height-2][i] == self.__cell):
self.maze[self.height-1][i] = self.__exit
class Game:
# Main Game Class
def __init__(self):
self.maze = Maze(screen)
self.level_count = 1
self.player_x, self.player_y = self.maze.get_entry()
# Sound effects
def moveSound(self): (buzzer, "move:d=4,o=5,b=880:8c6")
def endLevelSound(self): (buzzer, "endlevel:d=4,o=5,b=330:8c6,8d6")
def display_message(self, message, color):
# Marquee Message
label = Label(text=message, font=font, scale=2)
bitmap = label.bitmap
colors = [0, 0]
hue = 0
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < 2: # Display for 2 seconds
for x in range(bitmap.width):
hue = hue + 7
if hue >= 256:
hue = hue - 256
colors[1] = colorwheel(hue)
for a in range(screen.width - 1):
for y in range(screen.height):
screen.pixel(a, y, screen.pixel(a + 1, y))
for y in range(screen.height):
bm_y = y - 6 #offset
if 0 <= bm_y < bitmap.height:
color_index = bitmap[x, bm_y]
color_index = 0
screen.pixel(screen.width - 1, y, colors[color_index])
def play(self):
while True:
screen.pixel(self.player_x, self.player_y, (0, 0, 0))
dx = int(get_x(joystick_x))
dy = int(get_y(joystick_y))
if dx != 0 or dy != 0:
new_x = self.player_x + dx
new_y = self.player_y + dy
if is_valid_move(new_x, new_y):
self.player_x = new_x
self.player_y = new_y
if is_end(self.player_x, self.player_y):
screen.pixel(self.player_x, self.player_y, (255, 0, 0))
self.level_count += 1
# Write a Message
self.display_message(f' Level {self.level_count} ', 0xff0000)
self.player_x, self.player_y = self.maze.get_entry()
screen.pixel(self.player_x, self.player_y, (255, 0, 0))
game = Game()
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