As part of my research with this arrangement of Neopixel 8x32 panels, I created this example that displays a message in marquee, with a rainbow effect.
Rainbow Message
This example will not run correctly if you do not have my library versions installed, which I have already mentioned in my other posts:
import time
import board
import neopixel_spi as neopixel
from adafruit_display_text.bitmap_label import Label
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
from displayio import Bitmap
from rainbowio import colorwheel
import terminalio
# My custom version - download it at
from tile_framebuf import TileFramebuffer
spi = board.SPI()
pixel_pin = board.D10
pixel_width = 32
pixel_height = 8
num_tiles = 2
num_pixels = pixel_width * pixel_height * num_tiles
# Y offset, from the top of the display
offset = 4
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel_SPI(
pixel_width * pixel_height * num_tiles, # dont forget to multiply for num_tiles
screen = TileFramebuffer(
rotation = 2
font = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/tom-thumb.pcf", Bitmap)
label = Label(text="Seeed Xiao with Neopixel Matrix ", font=font, scale=2)
bitmap = label.bitmap
colors = [0, 0]
hue = 0
while True:
for x in range(bitmap.width):
# Use a rainbow of colors, shifting each column of pixels
hue = hue + 7
if hue >= 256:
hue = hue - 256
colors[1] = colorwheel(hue)
# Scoot the old text left by 1 pixel
for a in range(screen.width - 1):
for y in range(screen.height):
screen.pixel(a, y, screen.pixel(a + 1, y)) # Shift pixels horizontally
# Draw in the next line of text
for y in range(screen.height):
# Select the pixel inside the bitmap
bm_y = y - offset
# Select black or color depending on the bitmap pixel
if 0 <= bm_y < bitmap.height:
color_index = bitmap[x, bm_y]
color_index = 0
screen.pixel(screen.width - 1, y, colors[color_index]) # Set new pixel
# Update the display
And the effect is this:
Thanks to Adafruit and Seeed Studio.
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