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Nile Mittow
Published © GPL3+

RFID Front Door Access Control

Use Edison to interface with an existing member management system to control and management egress into a facility.

IntermediateWork in progress10 hours2,226
RFID Front Door Access Control

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Solderless Breadboard Full Size
Solderless Breadboard Full Size
Parallax Serial RFID Reader
Grove starter kit plus for Intel Edison
Seeed Studio Grove starter kit plus for Intel Edison
Only using the RGB LCD & Optional Buzzer
NTE40107B - CMOS NAND Gate
Can probably substitute any NAND gate CMOS IC
NTE4071B - CMOS OR Gate
Can probably substitute and OR gate CMOS IC
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
20k is best, 50k or 100k would work.
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
555 or 556 Timer (generic)
555 or 556 Timer (generic)
680uF Capacitor
5v DPDT Relay
Capacitor 10 nF
Capacitor 10 nF
NTE 490 - N Channel MOSFET Enhancement Mode High-Speed switch
Any n-channel logic level MOSFET should work. Needed because Edison's GPIO pins can't source enough current to drive a 5v relay directly
Terminal Blocks
Each should have 3 screw terminals,
Electromagnetic or Solenoid actuated door lock
This is part of the door to be controlled, so what to use is heavily dependant on your situation. https://www.amazon.com/Seco-Larm-941SA-600-Enforcer-Electromagnetic-Holding/dp/B00196YB5Y as an example

Software apps and online services

Online Member Management Service
Mine interfaces with a system called Nexudus, but the source of the database can be anything that can return member info via api calls. If necc, and if the system does not need to dynamically update the entry list, a static DB is sufficient.
lib required
lib required


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

RFID Door Enclosure Box for Lasercutting

Mostly 3mm Acrylic but check layer names


RFID Door Circuit Fritzing Diagram

Some of the components could easily be substituted (Logic gate ICs for instance) but the gist of the circuit is here.


RFID Door Access Control Code


Nile Mittow
3 projects • 2 followers


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