The box (vertical farm) is completely automated with self watering, self growing with new LED lighting. Self controllable... only picking up the crop is not automated. I already put some lettuce, and you can see the progress for about 4 days in this pictures below:
I am using the lighting for cycle of 20/4 (20 hours with light, 4 without). This project include also a remote node, so you can control your plants outside the box. The remote node is with solar panel. I run it for about 1 week and there is not so much sun. The battery is still in good condition.
What's Connected- 1x Power Supply 220v - 12v
- 1x Raspberry Pi 3
To the Raspberry I have connected:
- 1x No IR Camera Board ( I plan to use the NOIR camera to detect the plant health. More about the method that I will use can be found [here])( and here). I want to use NDVI analysis of Infragram project.
- 1x Official Raspberry Pi 3 Display5x Relay Modules (I plan to install more because I want to use rails to automatic fix the light surface close to the plants).
- 3x DS18B20 Temperature Sensors
- 1x SHT10 Sensor
- 1x BMP180 Sensor
- 1x TSL2561 Sensor
- 1x DHT11 Sensor
- 1x Arduino Uno Module connected to the Raspberry Pi.
The Arduino is with special Open Garden Shield. On this shield I have:
- 1x Temperature Sensor,
- 1x Luminosity Sensor I can also connect DS18B20 and DHT22, but I don't need them right now.
To the Arduino I have connected the Remote Node, which has the following sensors:
- 1xDHT22
- 1xSoil Moisture Sensor
- 1xBattery Capacity
- 1xLuminosity Sensor.
I use triggers and alerts to control the logic of the box:
- Irrigation
- LED control
- Fan Control
I plan to add more.
I use the scheduling for Irrifation ON/OFF and for restarting the Pi.
(How did you use Cayenne's Scheduling feature?)
Dashboard Screenshots(Take some pictures of your project living in the wild!)
VideoWhat I have plannedI planned to add flow sensor, so I can detect how much water is going waste, and also a separate irrigation fuse for every plant as the following (this may cause double the pump power):
TimeLapse Video of growing: