AiBoard: The ultimate IoT automation board for Rock-Pi & Raspberry Pi. Seamlessly control sensors, actuators & smart systems
Objectives: Heating, aeration, and irrigation. Behavior: Event when the temperature is low or high and the soil is dry. (Videos on Story)
An automated, smart, self-contained growing system that cultivates plants from seed to maturity!
The image extraction is based on a novel algorithm which effectively works with the encoding system of the robot movement.
Robot that drives around autonomously in greenhouse environment and identifies diseases.
Use a fleet of devices to monitor the soil in an agricultural field or greenhouse, and visualize the data remotely.
Frustrated with the prices for high quality grow light systems? Let's design a fully controllable, easy to adjust, open-source LED panel.
Collates local weather data on Google Sheets and interprets it with a neural network model built w/ TensorFlow to predict rainfall intensity
Our objective is to design, build and implement in-the-field technology in an ecological way that generates environmental awareness.
Need a quick way to monitor the soil moisture level of your favorite fern? Look no further. We have the answer.
The Green Box is an automated hydroponics system.
The irrigation system based on AI is made with an Arduino UNO and soil moisture sensor. The control system uses neurons to make decisions...
A cube with all the necessary sensors, suitable for a wide range of applications like agriculture. Know the land beneath you!
The Rural Hack Kit is the perfect electronic set to get started hacking farms, gardens, or even plants on your balcony.
Monitoring parameters of Greenhouse located at remote location (with no Internet Connectivity), using LoRa IoT
Ozone to the Earth, Automatic tectum and aqua rehash system to the fields.
It helps in classifying the diseases of mango leaves for our Mango Farm in India using Tensorflow and OpenVino in Drones
The following project measures soil moisture, humidity, and temperature. It then sends the data to ThingSpeak via. ESP8266.
With this tutorial, you will learn how to get the weather data from a web service to your Arduino.
Biofloc fish project monitoring.
Usage of Deep Learning with Intel's OpenVino to create smart pest detection for plants.
Nindamani, the AI based mechanically weed removal robot, which autonomously detects and segment the weeds from crop using AI.
Farm indoor or outdoor, in very less space, with more growth and less water usage. Also, monitor the conditions on a cloud-based dashboard.
Real-time visibility and control of water, Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium - from any where an Internet of Things (IoT) based system.