auto roboculture
Published © MIT

Nindamani the Weed Removal Robot

Nindamani, the AI based mechanically weed removal robot, which autonomously detects and segment the weeds from crop using AI.

IntermediateFull instructions providedOver 4 days18,754

Things used in this project

Hardware components

NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit
NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit
Stepper motors
Stepper driver
Servo motor
Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
Power supply
Camera Module V2
Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2

Software apps and online services

Robot Operating System
ROS Robot Operating System

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
CNC machine


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Custom parts and enclosures

Delta Arm

3D software file, use this to 3d print Delta arm parts



In this following repository, you will find instructions for software installation, control mechanism and how to run Nindamani robot.


Installing Arduino IDE on Jetson nano. This is a reference link from Jetson hacks.


Control Arduino Mega from Linux command line interface without use of Arduino-IDE GUI. And integrate it with python script.


Control stepper motors with Jetson Nano with help of Arduino Mega stepper library. Delta arm uses stepper motor.


Train multiple objects with different categories on your custom dataset using Mask-RCNN and predict test dataset. Here, We have used it for weed vs crop detection.


Delta robot (parallel arm) working in simulation Gazebo software. Same Delta kinematics library used in hardware pick and place application.


auto roboculture
1 project • 11 followers
Building Agricultural Robot Prototypes, Since Jan,2019. Working with AI and Robotics in agri tech field
