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Brett DiFrischia
Published © MIT

Web-controlled BoE-Shield Robot with the LightBlue Bean[+]

Have you ever wanted to control a robot from a web browser? Use the LightBlue Bean[+] (LBB[+]) to control a BoE-Shield Robot using BLE.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour1,519
Web-controlled BoE-Shield Robot with the LightBlue Bean[+]

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LightBlue Bean
Punch Through LightBlue Bean
Either the LBB or LBB+ will do.
LightBlue Bean+
Punch Through LightBlue Bean+
Either the LBB or LBB+ will do.
Parallax BoE-Shield Robot (with Arduino)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Male-Header 36 Position 1 Row- Long (0.1")
Male-Header 36 Position 1 Row- Long (0.1")
SparkFun Mini Speaker - PC Mount 12mm 2.048kHz

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Punch Through Bean Loader


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Web-enable RC BoE-Shield Robot software

All necessary code is maintained in this repository. It consists of two sketches (rc_boe_bot_robot.ino for an Arduino/Genuino Uno and rc_boe_bot_srl_receiver.ino for the LightBlue Bean+) and a Node.js web server (found in the rc_boe_bot_server directory).


Brett DiFrischia
2 projects • 8 followers
The details of my life are quite inconsequential...


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