Objective - Build a touch-screen multimedia display for car in 3 simple steps:
What you need- Micro SD Card
Connect the SD card to your laptop or computer. Download the latest version of OSMC (open-source media center) and install it directly on the SD card. OSMC offers a linux-based operating system, that runs Kodi (media player).
Step 2:Insert the SD card (with OSMC installed) into your Raspberry Pi's SD card slot. Attach the Raspberry Pi to touch-screen display. When you power-ON the Raspberry Pi, it directly boots via SD card, and starts the OSMC / Kodi application.
Step 3:You can either browse and play your personal media files (like audio / video / photos) via USB flash-drive, or download various add-ons (like YouTube, SoundCloud etc) for online streaming, by connecting your Raspberry Pi to WiFi network.
Note: The other alternatives to OSMC include OpenElec (Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center) and LibreElec that exclusively run Kodi. Alternatively, you can also install Kodi on Raspbian if you need a full Raspbian OS that runs applications other than Kodi. I have created 2 SD cards - one that exclusively runs the media player with OSMC, and the other with full Raspbian OS for general programming.
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