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Patrick Fitzgerald
Published © GPL3+

Classic MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface Waveform

Advanced. You need an oscilloscope to do this project. Safe 5volt signal from Arduino board.

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Plain text
List of values to transmit musical notes on MIDI
MIDI   note#   note
0x35   note 53   f3
0x36   note 54   f#3
0x37   note 55   g3
0x38   note 56   g#3
0x39   note 57   a3
0x3A   note 58   a#3
0x3B   note 59   b3
0x3C   note 60   c4
0x3D   note 61   c#4
0x3E   note 62   d4
0x3F   note 63   d#4
0x40   note 64   e4
0x41   note 65   f4
0x42   note 66   f#4
0x43   note 67   g4
0x44   note 68   g#4
0x45   note 69   a4
0x46   note 70   a#4
0x47   note 71   b4
0x48   note 72   c5
0x49   note 73   c#5
0x4A   note 74   d5
0x4B   note 75   d#5
0x4C   note 76   e5
0x4D   note 77   e5
0x4E   note 78   e#5
0x4F   note 79   g5
0x50   note 80   g#5


Patrick Fitzgerald

Patrick Fitzgerald

118 projects • 40 followers
