A smart painting with a mood light. Tap on any color on this beautiful artwork, and its integrated smart light will instantly replicate it!
DIY jump scare portrait from scratch using Raspberry Pi 3 B, Python and AtmosFX Videos unliving portraits.
Sending Bytes to an 8x8 LED Matrix.
High accuracy wall plotting at minimal cost, enrich all the whiteboards around you with surprising artwork!
Mechanical tulip sculpture that blooms with just gentle touch and can shine into any color of a rainbow.
Whatever you draw on a webpage will be replicated on the drawing paper.
Polar drawing machine built with fischertechnik and Arduino. Thanks to a G-code interpreter, it can draw any bitmap or vector graphics.
Easily display custom animated glyphs on 16x2 LCD using the createChar() function from the LiquidCrystal library.
Project is Moved to Web Link : arnabkumardas.com/topics/cnc/how-to-make-an-arduino-drawing-machine/
An Arduino-based robot drummer. It works with a transistor noise-generator and an arrangement of servos hitting a can and a pair of piezos.
We use an Uno to control 36 servo motors and create digital animated artwork.
We built a stylish and useful humidity and temperature sensor for our home workshop that uses color to alert us to big swings in humidity.
Just a future
Here We are going to make a light cube which will change color accordingly with surrounding sounds. This work is featured in Hackspace mag
Multifunctional network device for autonomous activity in the city environment. Its main function is communication through Wi-Fi networks.
The LED sequencer is an easy project for beginners to learn how LEDs work.
Musical instrument for multiple users – with Arduino, nRF24L01, MPR121 and MPU-6050 connected to Pure Data Vanilla.
A clock which rewrites time again and again.
Caravaggio is a drawing machine able to replicate a digital image using a pen and a continuous line.
A tiny telegraph that can write any text messages that look like a telegrammes. This project made of oak plywood.
An Android Things-powered clock that allows the user to actually READ the time! Control it via Nearby API or through voice commands.
This project shows you how to build a cheap and easy, but very small CNC(Plotter) using Arduino UNO.
This is a musical Tesla Coil driven by an Arduino and Slayer-Exciter. Using an Arduino, you can play music with pure electricity!
Ever wanted to display any hand-drawn image on your fancy oscilloscope? Well, now you can!