Monitor the temperature and humidity with a small wireless, battery powered Arduino based sensor. Data is transmitted every 60 seconds to a central hub, utilizing AES-128 encryption. Using a Moteino R4 with onboard RFM69W transceiver transmitting at 434Mhz, along with a custom shield with a HopeRF TH02 temperature and humidity sensor, and powered with a 3.6v 14505 Li-SOCl2 battery.
Parts List:
- Moteino R4 with RFM69W 434Mhz radio
- HopeRF TH02 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Custom Moteino Shield from OSH Park
- Single AA battery holder
- 14505 3.6V 2.4Ah Li-SOCl2 battery
Basic Idea:
- Every 60 seconds the Moteino wakes up, takes temperature, humidity, dewpoint, and transmit data to a central hub. The battery voltage level is also transmitted.
- The TH02 is powered from a digital pin,
is used to turn on/off (for power savings). radio.sleep()
is used to power down the RFM69W radio after transmission.LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF)
is used to sleep the Moteino between transmissions.- The max draw during transmission is very close to the pulse capability of the battery (~250 mA).
- Utilizing the built-in AES-128 encryption provided by RFM69W radio.
- Data is written to a SQLite3 database, with processing being handled by NodeJS.