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Very low power temp and humidity monitor with min and max

A very low power consumption rechargeable temperature and humidity monitor that can run off a rechargeable battery for 12 days or more.

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Very low power temp and humidity monitor with min and max

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Suggest using a Nano OR....
Arduino Pro Mini
Either will work, or indeed any other Arduino board
LCD 16x2 Backlit Display
For 16x2 project OR....
AZDelivery I2C 0.96-inch OLED Display SSD1306 128x64 Pixels IIC 3.3V 5V White Character Display
For OLED project
Single Turn Potentiometer- 10k ohms
Single Turn Potentiometer- 10k ohms
Any make will do - only required for the LCD 16x2 display version
TP4056 5V 1A TYPE C Micro USB Board Charging Module for 18650 Lithium Battery
3.7V 1000mAh Lithium Rechargable Battery
DHT11 Temperature Humidity Sensor Module
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Hook Up wire


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Temp/Humid monitor OLED Breadbaord

Temp/Humid monitor OLED Schematic

Temp/Humid monitor LCD Breadboard

Temp/Humid monitor LCD Schematic


Temo/Humid monitor OLED version code

/*   Paul Brace April 2021
 *   Very low power consumption temperature and humidity monitor
 *     with minimum and maximum monitoring
 *   Board - Arduino Pro Mini
 *   Display - OLED 128x64 IC2
 *   Aim was to reduce power consumption as much as possible so
 *     can be run on a rechargeable battery for long periods
 *   This is achieved by:
 *         1. Using the rocketscream low power library to put the processor 
 *            to sleep waking every 24 seconds to check the temperature and 
 *            humidity, which takes less than a second.
 *         2. Displaying a small sleep icon to reduce the number of lit pixels  
 *            The sleep icon also moves every 8 seconds to avoid screen burn-in 
 *   The mode button is used to wake the processor for a set period, display   
 *     the readings and switch between the temperature and humidity displays.
 *   The processor remains awake for the period specified in keepAwakeFor.
 *   The reset button is used to reset the minimum and maximum values
 *     when the processor has been woken by the mode button being pressed.
 *   Power consumption with the suggested components:
 *      Asleep:                               24 seconds    3.23mA
 *      Checking temp./humid. between sleeps  <1 second     6.8mA
 *                                            So on average 3.4mA                                            
 *   Using a 1,000 mAh rechargeable battery the system should last for up 
 *     to 12 days between charges – frequently turning on the display will reduce this.
 *   Note on using the 3.7v rechargeable battery.
 *    The Nano specification is that it requires a 5v supply, however
 *    for this project it runs perfectly well on a 3.7v rechargeable battery
 *    with the supply connected to the 5v pin.
 *    It is also safe to recharge when in use as the voltage will only increase to 4.2v

// Include drivers
#include <DHT.h>            // This is the DHT sensor library by Adafruit
#include "LowPower.h"       // Low-Power library from rocketscream
                            // required for the OLED display 
#include <SPI.h>            // Synchronous serial data protocol library
#include <Wire.h>           // IC2 communications library
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>   // Adafruit Graphics Core Library
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>  // SSD1306 library for Monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 OLEDs 
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold9pt7b.h>  // Include fonts to be used
#include <Fonts/FreeSans9pt7b.h>

#define DATA_PIN 4                    // Pin used to collect data from the DHT
#define DHTTYPE DHT11                 // DHT Type  
//#define DHTTYPE DHT22               // If you have a DHT22 comment the DHT11 and
                                      // uncomment DHT22
// Create the sensor object and assign pin

#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels

// The pins for I2C are defined by the Wire-library. 
// On an arduino UNO/Nano and Pro Mini: A4(SDA), A5(SCL)
// On an arduino MEGA 2560:             20(SDA), 21(SCL)
// On an arduino LEONARDO:              2(SDA),  3(SCL), ...
#define OLED_RESET   -1 // Reset pin # (or -1 if no reset on display)
#define SCREEN_ADDRESS 0x3C // See datasheet for Address (Yours could be 0x3D)

// Creat eobject for the SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)

#define MODE_BUTTON 2             // Activate display and switched between temperature and humidity
#define RESET_BUTTON 3            // If pressed when awake resets min and max settings

float temp;       //Current temperature
float humid;      //Current humidity
float minTemp;    //The minimum temperature recorded
float maxTemp;    //The maximum temperature recorded
float minHumid;   //The minimum humidity recorded
float maxHumid;   //The maximum humidity recorded

enum mode {
  dispTemp,        // Temperature currently displayed
  dispHumid        // Humidity currently displayed

mode currentMode;   // Current display setting

bool awake;                        // True if system woken by pressing Mode button
bool justWoken;                    // True on activation of interrupt so system knows to wait for button to be released.
unsigned long timeWoken;           // Time last woken or a button press
int keepAwakeFor = 15;             // Number of seconds before allow to go back to sleep

const int wakeUpPin = MODE_BUTTON; // Set the pin that will wake up from power saving mode

// Icon displayed when system is asleep
static const unsigned char PROGMEM snooze[] =
{ B00000000, B00001110,
  B00000000, B00000100,
  B00000000, B00001110,
  B00000011, B11000000,
  B00000011, B11000000,
  B00000000, B10000000,
  B00000001, B00000000,
  B00000011, B11000000,
  B00000011, B11000000,
  B11111000, B00000000,
  B11111000, B00000000,
  B00010000, B00000000,
  B00100000, B00000000,
  B01000000, B00000000,
  B11111000, B00000000,
  B11111000, B00000000,

// Arrows used to indicate maximum and minimum
static const unsigned char PROGMEM upArrow[]{

static const unsigned char PROGMEM downArrow[]{

void setup() {
  minTemp = 99;    //Set to a figure that is going to be too high
  maxTemp = -9;    //Set to a figure that is going to be too low
  minHumid = 99;   //Set to a figure that is going to be too high
  maxHumid = -9;   //Set to a figure that is going to be too low
  pinMode(MODE_BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Use INPUT_PULLUP - will go LOW when pressed
  // Start sensor
  // Initialise display
  currentMode = dispTemp;
  awake = true;
  timeWoken = millis();         // Set so initially remains awake for set period

void loop() {
  // Check to see if has been awake for the keepAwakeFor period
  // if so allow to go to sleep
  if ((millis() - timeWoken) > (keepAwakeFor * 1000)) {
    awake = false;
    // Sleep for 24 seconds
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
      display.drawBitmap(random(10, 110), random(10, 48), snooze, 16, 16, WHITE);
      // Allow wake up pin to trigger interrupt on low.
      attachInterrupt(0, wakeUp, LOW);
      // Enter power down state with ADC and BOD module disabled.
      // Wake up when wake up pin is low or after 8 seconds.
      // If wake up button pressed then as long as button held down for more
      // than a few milliseconds it will fall through any remaining sleep loops      
      LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF);
      // Disable external pin interrupt on wake up pin.

  // If woken by Mode button press then default to temperature display
  if (justWoken)
     currentMode = dispTemp; 

  // Repeat read and check buttons 3 times once every 1/10th second to ensure get up to date readings
  // as the system may go back to sleep on next loop
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    // Get readings, update minimum and maximum values
    // and display if system is awake as a result of Mode button press
    humid = dht.readHumidity();                   // read humidity
    temp = dht.readTemperature();                 // read temperature
    if (temp < minTemp)
      minTemp = temp;
    if (temp > maxTemp)
      maxTemp = temp;
    if (humid < minHumid)
      minHumid = humid;
    if (humid > maxHumid)
      maxHumid = humid;
    // Update display if awake
    if ((currentMode == dispTemp) && (awake))
    if ((currentMode == dispHumid) && (awake))

    // If awake due to Mode button press the check if any buttons have been pressed
    if (awake)

// To ensure numbers align add a space if required
String FormatNumber(float value){
  if (value < 10.0 && value > 0.0)
    return " " + String(value);
    return String(value);

void ShowTemperature() {
  display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b);  // Font used for text
  display.setCursor(0, 15);
  display.drawBitmap(20, 35-9, upArrow, 8, 8, WHITE);
  display.drawBitmap(20, 55-9, downArrow, 8, 8, WHITE);
  display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b);  // Font used for numbers
  display.setCursor(60, 15);
  display.print(FormatNumber(temp) + "c");
  display.setCursor(60, 35);
  display.print(FormatNumber(maxTemp) + "c");
  display.setCursor(60, 55);
  display.print(FormatNumber(minTemp) + "c");

void ShowHumidity() {
  display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b);  // Font used for text
  display.setCursor(0, 15);
  display.drawBitmap(20, 35-9, upArrow, 8, 8, WHITE);
  display.drawBitmap(20, 55-9, downArrow, 8, 8, WHITE);
  display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b);    // Font used for numbers
  display.setCursor(60, 15);
  display.print(FormatNumber(humid) + "%");
  display.setCursor(60, 35);
  display.print(FormatNumber(maxHumid) + "%");
  display.setCursor(60, 55);
  display.print(FormatNumber(minHumid) + "%");

void CheckButtons() {
  // If just woken up then pause for 1/2 second to allow button to be released
  if (justWoken){
    justWoken = false;
  // If the mode or reset button has been pressed pin will go LOW
  // Check if mode button pressed if so switch mode between displays
  if (digitalRead(MODE_BUTTON) == LOW) {
    timeWoken = millis();           // Reset so remains awake for set period after switching mode
    //awake = true;
    if (currentMode == dispTemp) {
      currentMode = dispHumid;
      delay(500);                     // Give time to release button
    else {
      currentMode = dispTemp;
      delay(500);                     // Give time to release button

  // Check if reset button pressed
  // Is the system awake?
  // If so the reset min and max values
  if (digitalRead(RESET_BUTTON) == LOW) {
    if (awake) {
      maxTemp = -9;
      minTemp = 99;
      maxHumid = -9;
      minHumid = 99;
      delay(500);                     // Give time to release button

void wakeUp()
  // Handler for the pin interrupt.
  timeWoken = millis();               // Reset so remains awake for awake period
  awake = true;
  justWoken = true;

Temp/Humid monitor LCD version code

/*   Paul Brace April 2021
 *   Very low power consumption temperature and humidity monitor
 *     with minimum and maximum monitoring
 *   Board - Arduino Nano 3
 *   Display - LCD 16x2 
 *   Aim was to reduce power consumption as much as possible so
 *     can be run on a rechargeable battery for long periods
 *   This is achieved by:
 *         1. Turning the backlight off after a set period 
 *         2. Using the rocketscream low power library to put the processor 
 *            to sleep waking every 24 seconds to check the temperature and 
 *            humidity, which takes less than a second.
 *   The mode button is used to wake the processor for a set period , turn 
 *     the backlight on and switch between the temperature and humidity displays.
 *   The processor remains awake for the period specified in keepAwakeFor.
 *   The backlight remains on for the period specified in timeLightTurnedOn
 *       (Note: this should be less than keepAwakeFor or the light will not be 
 *        turned off until the next awake cycle). 
 *   The reset button is used to reset the minimum and maximum values
 *     when the backlight is on.
 *   Power consumption with the suggested components:
 *      Asleep:                               24 seconds    5.6mA
 *      Checking temp./humid. between sleeps  <1 second     14mA
 *                                            So on average 6.0mA                                            
 *      With backlight on                                   28.5mA
 *   Using a 1,000 mAh rechargeable battery the system should last for up 
 *     to 7 days between charges – frequently turning on the backlight will obviously 
 *     reduce this.
 *   Note on using the 3.7v rechargeable battery.
 *    The Nano specification is that it requires a 5v supply, however
 *    for this project it runs perfectly well on a 3.7v rechargeable battery
 *    with the supply connected to the 5v pin.
 *    It is also safe to recharge when in use as the voltage will only increase to 4.2v

// Include driver for the DHT
// This is the DHT sensor library by Adafruit
#include <DHT.h>
// Include the library driver for display:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// Include Low-Power library from rocketscream
#include "LowPower.h"

// Pin used to collect data from the DHT
#define DATA_PIN 4

// DHT Type. If you have a DHT22 comment the DHT11 and
// uncomment DHT22
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
//#define DHTTYPE DHT22

// Create the sensor object and assign pin

// Create an lcd object and assign the pins
// LiquidCrystal lcd( RS, EN, D4,D5, D6, D7)
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 6, 7, 8, 9);

#define MODE_BUTTON 2             // Wake processor/turn backlight on and switch display between temperature and humidity
#define RESET_BUTTON 3            // If pressed when light on then resets min and max settings
#define BACKLIGHT_PIN 5           // Connected to backlight on LCD

float temp;       //Current temperature
float humid;      //Current humidity
float minTemp;    //The minimum temperature recorded
float maxTemp;    //The maximum temperature recorded
float minHumid;   //The minimum humidity recorded
float maxHumid;   //The maximum humidity recorded

enum mode {
  dispTemp,        // Temperature currently displayed
  dispHumid        // Humidity currently displayed

mode currentMode;   // Current display setting

bool awake;                        // True if system woken by pressing Mode button
bool justWoken;                    // True on activation of interrupt so system knows to wait for button to be released. 
bool lightOn;                      // True if backlight on
unsigned long timeLightTurnedOn;   // Time backlight was last turned on
int lightTimeOut = 10;             // Number of seconds light remains on (should be less than keepAwakeFor)
unsigned long timeWoken;           // Time last woken or a button press
int keepAwakeFor = 15;             // Number of seconds before allow to go back to sleep

const int wakeUpPin = MODE_BUTTON; // Set the pin that will wake up from power saving mode

// Arrows used to indicate maximum and minimum
byte upArrow[8] = {

byte downArrow[8] = {

void setup() {
  minTemp = 99;    //Set to a figure that is going to be too high
  maxTemp = -9;    //Set to a figure that is going to be too low
  minHumid = 99;   //Set to a figure that is going to be too high
  maxHumid = -9;   //Set to a figure that is going to be too low
  pinMode(MODE_BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Use INPUT_PULLUP - will go LOW when pressed
  // Start sensor
  // Initalise diplay
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // Create up and down arrow characters
  lcd.createChar(0, upArrow);
  lcd.createChar(1, downArrow);
  currentMode = dispTemp;
  awake = true;
  timeWoken = millis();         // Set so initially remains awake for set period

void loop() {
  // Check to see if has been awake for the keepAwakeFor period
  // if so allow to go to sleep
  if ((millis() - timeWoken) > (keepAwakeFor * 1000)) {
    awake = false;
    // Sleep for 24 seconds
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
      // Allow wake up pin to trigger interrupt on low.
      attachInterrupt(0, wakeUp, LOW);
      // Enter power down state with ADC and BOD disabled.
      // Wake up when wake up pin goes low or after 8 seconds.
      // If wake up button pressed then as long as button held down for more
      // than a few milliseconds it will fall through any remaining sleep loops
      LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF);
      // Disable external pin interrupt on wake up pin.

  // If woken by Mode button press then default to temperature display
  if (justWoken)
     currentMode = dispTemp; 
  // Repeat read 3 times, once every 1/10th second, to ensure get up to date readings
  // as the system may go back to sleep on next loop
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

    // Check if need to turn backlight off
    if (lightOn && ((millis() - timeLightTurnedOn) > (lightTimeOut * 1000)))
    // get readings, update minimum and maximum values and
    // refresh display
    humid = dht.readHumidity();                   // read humidity
    temp = dht.readTemperature();                 // read temperature
    // Set min and max values if required
    if (temp < minTemp)
      minTemp = temp;
    if (temp > maxTemp)
      maxTemp = temp;
    if (humid < minHumid)
      minHumid = humid;
    if (humid > maxHumid)
      maxHumid = humid;
    if (currentMode == dispTemp)
    // If awake due to Mode button press the check if any buttons have been pressed
    if (awake)

// To ensure numbers align add a space if required
String formatNumber(float value){
  if (value < 10.0 && value > 0.0)
    return " " + String(value);
    return String(value);

void ShowTemperature() {
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Temp: " + String(temp) + "c   ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print(String(minTemp) + "c  ");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
  lcd.print(String(maxTemp) + "c  ");

void ShowHumidity() {
  // Display current temp on line 0
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Humid: " + String(humid) + "%   ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print(String(minHumid) + "%  ");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
  lcd.print(String(maxHumid) + "%  ");

void CheckButtons() {
  // If just woken up then pause for 1/2 second to allow button to be released
  if (justWoken){
    justWoken = false;
  // If the mode or reset button has been pressed the associated pin will go LOW
  // Check if mode button pressed if so switch mode between displays
  if (digitalRead(MODE_BUTTON) == LOW) {
    timeWoken = millis();           // Reset so remains awake for the awake period after switching mode
    TurnBacklightOn();              // In case off and so also remains on for set period
    // Switch displays
    if (currentMode == dispTemp) {
      currentMode = dispHumid;
      delay(500);                   // Give time to release button
    else {
      currentMode = dispTemp;
      delay(500);                  // Give time to release button


  // Check if reset button pressed
  // Is light currently on?
  // If so the reset min and max values
  if (digitalRead(RESET_BUTTON) == LOW) {
    if (lightOn) {
      maxTemp = -9;
      minTemp = 99;
      maxHumid = -9;
      minHumid = 99;
      delay(350);                 // Give time to release button

void TurnBacklightOn() {
  // Turn backlight on
  lightOn = true;
  timeLightTurnedOn = millis();
  digitalWrite(BACKLIGHT_PIN, HIGH);

void TurnBacklightOff() {
  // Turn backlight off
  lightOn = false;
  digitalWrite(BACKLIGHT_PIN, LOW);

void wakeUp()
  // Handler for the pin interrupt.
  timeWoken = millis();         // Reset so remains awake for awake period
  awake = true;
  justWoken = true;


4 projects • 28 followers


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