This is my Project 4 Strange Controller. I call it the "Stealth Glasses" which are used for the game I made called "Public Spies." The way the Stealth Glasses work is the CPX uses its light sensor to detect when the player puts on the glasses. When the player activates the Stealth Glasses, it input the "E" Key, which in my game will let the spy to not get caught when they are gathering information.
The "Public Spies" game is made with Unity 3D. There are two main game mechanics I coded. Proximity Audio, allowing the player to hear when the enemies are close in order to stealth in time. This uses a negative absolute value of the Distance between the enemy and the player. Next is the Actual Stealth Mechanic, where the glasses activate the Boolean isStealthed, which when activated allow the enemies to pass by without making the player lose.
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