Well hovergames! What can I say! What an epic adventure that was!
I went from having never flown a drone before last year, to building a flying autonomous robot!
Also I had never operated a computer from the shell before, and my only programming experience was programming rockets in Kerbal Space Program using a language called KOS, and I actually came close to having some kind of AI operating on the NavQ!
So all in all I have learnt an epic amount, if I can keep learning at this rate, I should be able to submit a proper entry for the next Hovergames.
Here is my main wrap up video of my journey in the hovergames.
And here is a full playlist of my progress.
Click here for the Youtube playlist
Here are some 3d print designs I did for the Drone.
I designed a new NavQ Case, a more solid way to hold the battery underneath the drone, and more solid legs and feet.