PI is the most awesome number in the world! Its use goes from simply calculate circle areas to outher space exploring.
And as every awesome thing in the world, an all-mighty-number has its curiosities too! Check it out here how to know even more about PI number from your Telegram App!
ProjectThis project here consists in using any Raspberry Pi with Internet connection as a Telegram bot. This bot informs curiosities about PI number to everyone who speaks with him.
To sum up, it's about the usage of Telegram Messenger / App to spread even more curiosities about PI to the entire world.
Setting upBefore going to project itself, you'll need to register a Telegram Bot and get Telegram API and libraries in your Raspberry PI.
- To register a Telegram Bot: please, follow this Hackster's tutorial: https://www.hackster.io/Salman_faris_vp/telegram-bot-with-raspberry-pi-f373da
- To get required API and libraries: in terminal / command line interface, type the following command:
pip install python-telegram-bot
Good to Go!Now you can go to source file of project and make it alive in your Raspberry Pi!
After executing project, spread your bot's name to the world and everyone can use it! It's your Raspberry Pi informing the whole world about PI number facts!!
Note: it runs in every Linux syste with Internet connection. I tested it successfully in my desktop Linux and in a VPS.
Check it out!
There's a bot running right now. In Telegram App / Web interface, search for PIFacts_BOT and see it working!
Special thanks to Andre Curvello for making the Telegram bot base article: https://www.embarcados.com.br/bot-com-telegram-na-intel-edison/
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