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I own many DS1307 chips, they are very cheap and I like to use in different light projects which need the date and/or the time. But I could not imagine that this RTC accuracy could be so bad. Of course it is possible to use another chip, but I do not want to rebuild my old projects hardware.
If accuracy is bad, it is however constant: few seconds per day (that can makes several minutes after few months). As the DS1307 owns a small 56 bytes NVRAM (data are kept as long as the battery stays in place) the idea of this project is to measure the drift, and record the drift value and the reference date into the NVRAM.
How it works1- We will use the first 9 bytes of the DS1307 NVRAM:- “cell0”and “cell1” are the 2 bytes which define the state of the DS1307:
- “cell0= 1 & cell1 = 1” the DS1307 drift operation completed
- “cell0= 0 & cel1 = 0” the DS1307 drift operation is in progress – duration is 24hours
- Any other value : drift operation has never been performed
- “cell8”stores the drift value defined in 24 hours, it is a number of seconds.
- “cell2 to cell7” keep the date/time of the last drift operation. These data define the number of days to apply the drift value (which is calculated within 1 day): GoodTime = ReadTime - (numberOfDays x drift)
This date/time reference can provide either from NTP – easy to get with the ESP8266MPU – or from a GPS module.
3- When a DS1307 is plugged there are 3 possible situations:1- The DS1307 has never been tested. If operation is confirmed the flagged date/time (= current date/time + 24 hours) is stored in RAM, “cell0” and “cell1” are set to ‘0’.
2- The DS1307 is under test as long as “cell0”and “cell1” are set to ‘0’. Every minute the RTC number of seconds is compared to NTP’s which define the drift. We will suppose the drift will not exceed the range from -30s / +30s.As soon as the flagged date/time is reached ( so 24 hours later ) the DS1307 is supposed to be tested, the drift value is stored in “cell8”, “cell0” and “cell1”are set to ‘1’.
3- The DS1307 is yet tested and ready for use. First the time adjust is proposed, then to redo the test for another 24 hours.
It is not use to let the shield under power during the test. The reference date/time is get at every power on. If the next power on is done later than the required 24hours test, the drift value is corrected to reflect the 24 hours duration.
NOTE : 2 codes are shared:
The code for a wemos mini to detect and set the drift of any DS1307,
The code for an Arduino Uno to show how to use the DS1307 once its drift value has been checked
DS1307 drift detection and correction
1- plug the DS1307 to the ESP8266 module,
2- the esp8266 first updates the DS1307, then ESP8266 can be powered off
3- after 24 hours the drift is calculated (should be arround few seconds per day)
4- the drift value is stored in the DS1307 NVRAM
5- if available the DS1307 NVRAM is copied into the 24C32 EEPROM
An project idea from:
- NVRAM use : https://www.carnetdumaker.net/articles/utiliser-un-module-horloge-temps-reel-ds1307-avec-une-carte-arduino-genuino/
- 24C32 use : https://lastminuteengineers.com/ds1307-rtc-arduino-tutorial/
| |
| author : Philippe de Craene <dcphilippe@yahoo.fr |
| Any feedback is welcome |
Materials :
1* Wemos D1 mini - tested with IDE version 1.8.7 and 1.8.9
1* a RTC 1307 to test for drift correction
ESP8266 pinup :
D1 => SCL DS1307
D2 => SDA DS1307)
Versions chronology:
version 1 - 10 nov. 20 -
version 1.1 - 12 nov. 20 - add the drift in 24C32
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h> // https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h> // required pour WifiManager.h
#include <DNSServer.h> // required pour WifiManager.h
#include <ArduinoOTA.h> // https://github.com/marcudanf/arduinoOTA
#include <TimeLib.h> // https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time
#include <DS1307RTC.h> // https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/DS1307RTC
#include <Wire.h> // allow to direct communication with DS1307
// NTP server declaration
unsigned int localPort = 2390; // local port to listen for UDP packets
/* Don't hardwire the IP address or we won't get the benefits of the pool.
Lookup the IP address for the host name instead */
//IPAddress timeServer(129, 6, 15, 28); // time.nist.gov NTP server
IPAddress timeServerIP; // time.nist.gov NTP server address
const char* ntpServerName = "time.nist.gov";
const int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48; // NTP time stamp is in the first 48 bytes of the message
byte packetBuffer[ NTP_PACKET_SIZE]; // buffer to hold incoming and outgoing packets
WiFiUDP udp; // A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
// NTP time set
unsigned long NTPtime; // total number of seconds since 1900 for NTP
// RTC current time
tmElements_t tm; // current RTC time since 1970
// DS1307 module data for NVRAM & 24C32
#define ADDRESS_24C32 0x57
#define DS1307_ADDRESS 0x68
#define DS1307_NVRAM_BASE 0x08
byte Fday, Fmonth, Fyear, Fhour, Fminute, Fsecond;
unsigned long Ftime; // total number of seconds since 1970 for the end of operation
// other variables
#define ledPin D4 // wemos module internal led
int driftOffset = 30; // drift value under offset are negative
int drift = 0; // number of drift seconds per day
int defaultTZ = 1; // timezone
char consoleInput[] = "000"; // console input string
byte charCounter = 0; // console input index
bool reading = true; // console input flag
void setup() {
pinMode( ledPin, OUTPUT );
// set the Serial Monitor
Serial.println("\nDS1307 drift detection and correction");
// look at the NVRAM cells
Wire.begin(); // initialise the I2C port
RTC.read(tm); // just to check if the ship is correctly wired
while( !RTC.chipPresent() ) {
static bool altern = false;
altern = !altern;
digitalWrite( ledPin, altern );
Serial.println("DS1307 ship no present, please insert one or check the wiring...");
RTC.read(tm); // just to check if the ship is correctly wired
byte Fcell0 = ReadNVRAM(0);
byte Fcell1 = ReadNVRAM(1);
Fday = ReadNVRAM(4);
Fmonth = ReadNVRAM(3);
Fyear = ReadNVRAM(2);
Fhour = ReadNVRAM(5);
Fminute = ReadNVRAM(6);
Fsecond = ReadNVRAM(7);
drift = ReadNVRAM(8) - driftOffset;
// Serial Monitor initial message
Serial.println("\nDS1307 drift detection and correction");
Serial.println("\nThe drift is calculated in regard of NTP time, every time laps of 24 hours.");
Serial.println("Then the drift value is saved in the DS1307 NAVRAM memory, cell 8,");
Serial.println("under the formula: (20-'number-of-drift-seconds-per-day')");
Serial.println("if there is a 24C32 EEPROM with the DS1307, the drift value is also saved in cell 0.");
Serial.println("\nThe wemos blue led :");
Serial.println("- stays light on during the full time of drift test");
Serial.println("- switches off when the test is completed: 24 hours after the test started.");
Serial.println("\nIt is not required to let the wemos in operation during the full period.");
Serial.println("Once the period completed, the drift information are stored as soon as the Wemos will powered on back.\n\n");
// get NTP and RTC time as close as possible
while( getNTP() != 1 ) {
Serial.println("There is a problem to get NTP, check wifi!");
RTC.read(tm); // get RTC time in DS1307
// display NTP and RTC time
Serial.print("\nNTP time get: ");
Serial.print("\nRTC time get: ");
Serial.print(tm.Day); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(tm.Month); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(tm.Year + 1970); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(tm.Hour); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(tm.Minute); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(tm.Second); Serial.println();
// case: operation in progress
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // switch on the led
if((Fcell0 == 0) || (Fcell1 == 0)) {
setTime(Fhour, Fminute, Fsecond, Fday, Fmonth, Fyear);
time_t t = now();
Ftime = t; // get the remind number of second at end of operation
Serial.print("This DS1307 drift calculation in progress until flagged time: ");
else {
// case: operation finished, cell0=1 & cell1=1
if((Fcell0 == 1) && (Fcell1 == 1)) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // switch off the led
Serial.print("This DS1307 is ready for use since the flag date/time : ");
Serial.print(Fday); Serial.print("/");
Print2digits(Fmonth); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(Fyear+2000);Serial.print(" ");
Print2digits(Fhour); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(Fminute); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(Fsecond); Serial.println();
Serial.print("\nDrift defined value is: ");
Serial.print("To redo the calcul of the drift during 24 hours, type: 'y' +'ENTER' to continue. ");
charCounter = 0;
reading = true;
while( reading ) {
if(Serial.available() != 0) {
char incomingChar = Serial.read();
if( incomingChar != '\n' ) {
consoleInput[charCounter] = incomingChar;
else {
consoleInput[charCounter] ='\0'; // null character
reading = false;
if(consoleInput[0] == 'y') {
WriteNVRAM(0, 2); // write something else than 0 or 1 in cell0
Fcell0 = 2;
else {
Serial.println("This DS1307 is ready to use with:");
Serial.println("- drift value stored in NVRAM cell 8");
Serial.println("- flagged NVRAM cells 0 and 1 set to 1.");
Serial.println("\n\nBye bye");
while( 1 ) { yield(); }
} // end of test Fcell0 == 1) || (Fcell1 == 1)
// case: operation never done
if( Fcell0 != 1) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // switch on the led
Serial.print("This DS1307 need to be calibrated for at least 24 hours, type: 'y' +'ENTER' to continue. ");
charCounter = 0;
reading = true;
while( reading ) {
if(Serial.available() != 0) {
char incomingChar = Serial.read();
if( incomingChar != '\n' ) {
consoleInput[charCounter] = incomingChar;
else {
consoleInput[charCounter] ='\0'; // null character
reading = false;
if(consoleInput[0] == 'y') {
RTC.set(NTPtime); // set RTC with the actual time
Ftime = NTPtime + 86400; // add 24 hours to define the hour of end of operation
setTime(Ftime); // record the flag date/time to the NVRAM
WriteNVRAM(0, 0);
WriteNVRAM(1, 0);
WriteNVRAM(2, (year()-2000));
WriteNVRAM(3, month());
WriteNVRAM(4, day());
WriteNVRAM(5, hour());
WriteNVRAM(6, minute());
WriteNVRAM(7, second());
WriteNVRAM(8, driftOffset);
Serial.print("This DS1307 drift calculation is starting now, and will continue until: ");
else {
Serial.println("Action not confirmed.");
Serial.println("\n\nBye bye");
while( 1 ) { yield(); }
} // end of test Fcell1 != 1
} // end of else Fcell0 == 0) || (Fcell1 == 0)
setTime(NTPtime); // format back to NTP time
Serial.println("\nwait for status update at second 30");
} // end of setup
void loop() {
// operation in progress:
// check if the DS1307 is still in place
RTC.read(tm); // just to check if the ship is correctly wired
if( !RTC.chipPresent()) {
Serial.println("\nDS1307 ship has desapeared, the device is rebooting...");
// what is done every minute
if(second() != 30) return;
// compare RTC time with NTP, we suppose the total drift will not exceed 29 seconds
time_t t = now();
byte RTCseconds = tm.Second;
byte NTPseconds = second(t);
drift = RTCseconds - NTPseconds;
NTPtime = t;
Serial.print("\t => RTC=");
Serial.print(" - NTP=");
Serial.print("\t => drift RTC-NTP = ");
// verify the flag date/time reached state
long remind = NTPtime - Ftime;
if( remind < 0 ) {
Serial.print("\t end test in: ");
Serial.print(-remind / 3600); Serial.print("h");
Print2digits(byte(((-remind) % 3600)/60)); Serial.println(" minutes");
else {
float extraDays = remind / 86400;
drift = float(drift/( 1 + extraDays ));
WriteNVRAM(0, 1); // flag 'test done' in DS1307 NVRAM cell0
WriteNVRAM(1, 1); // flag 'test done' in DS1307 NVRAM cell1
WriteNVRAM(8, (drift+driftOffset)); // must be a positive number (type byte)
//Write24C32(0, 1); // flag 'test done' in 24C32 cell0
//Write24C32(1, 1); // flag 'test done' in 24C32 cell1
//Write24C32(8, (drift+driftOffset)); // drift+driftOffset in 24C32 cell2
time_t t = now();
NTPtime = t;
RTC.set(NTPtime); // update date/time in DS1307
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // switch off the led
Serial.print("\n\nThis DS1307 is ready since: ");
Fday = ReadNVRAM(4);
Fmonth = ReadNVRAM(3);
Fyear = ReadNVRAM(2);
Fhour = ReadNVRAM(5);
Fminute = ReadNVRAM(6);
Fsecond = ReadNVRAM(7);
Serial.print(Fday); Serial.print("/");
Print2digits(Fmonth); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(Fyear+2000);Serial.print(" ");
Print2digits(Fhour); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(Fminute); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(Fsecond); Serial.print(" so since: ");
Serial.print(remind / 3600); Serial.print("hours ");
Print2digits(byte((remind % 3600)/60)); Serial.println(" minutes");
Serial.println("\n\nBye bye");
while( 1 ) { yield(); }
} // end of loop
// list of functions
// RequestUpdateRTC() : request if RTC date/time must be updated
void RequestUpdateRTC() {
Serial.print("\nDoes it needed to update the time? type: 'y' +'ENTER' to perform the time update. ");
charCounter = 0;
reading = true;
while( reading ) {
if(Serial.available() != 0) {
char incomingChar = Serial.read();
if( incomingChar != '\n' ) {
consoleInput[charCounter] = incomingChar;
else {
consoleInput[charCounter] ='\0'; // null character
reading = false;
if(consoleInput[0] == 'y') {
time_t t = now();
NTPtime = t;
RTC.set(NTPtime); // update date/time in DS1307
Serial.print("\nNTP time get: ");
Serial.print("\nRTC time get: ");
Serial.print(tm.Day); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(tm.Month); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(tm.Year + 1970); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(tm.Hour); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(tm.Minute); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(tm.Second); Serial.println();
// DisplayTime() : display NTP date and time
void DisplayTime() {
Serial.print(day()); Serial.print("/");
Print2digits(month()); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(year());Serial.print(" ");
Print2digits(hour()); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(minute()); Serial.print(":");
// PrintNum() : display number within 2 digits
void Print2digits( byte number ) {
if( number < 10 ) Serial.print("0");
// ReadNVRAM() : function to read DS1307 NVRAM 56 bytes memory
int ReadNVRAM(byte address) {
Wire.write(DS1307_NVRAM_BASE + address);
Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_ADDRESS, (byte) 1);
return Wire.read();
// WriteNVRAM() : function to write in DS1307 NVRAM 56 bytes memory
void WriteNVRAM(byte address, byte data) {
Wire.write(DS1307_NVRAM_BASE + address);
Wire.endTransmission(); // Fin de transaction I2C
// Read24C32() : function to read 24C32 EEPROM
int Read24C32( byte address ) {
Wire.write((int)(address >> 8)); // MSB
Wire.write((int)(address & 0xFF)); // LSB
Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS_24C32, (byte) 1);
return Wire.read();
// Write24C32() : function to write in 24C32 EEPROM
void Write24C32( unsigned int address, byte data ) {
Wire.write((int)(address >> 8)); // MSB
Wire.write((int)(address & 0xFF)); // LSB
// ConnectWifi : se (re)connecte au wifi
byte ConnectWifi() {
byte i = 0; // petit compteur pour dtecter la connexion au wifi
byte imax = 10; // nombre maximum de tentative de connexion au wifi
// AP will start if no wifi identifiers in memory or wrong identification
// AP can be accessed from ssid "AutoConnectAP" then IP address within 150 seconds
// in cas of unsuccess after 150 seconds the wifi will not be defined
// for local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
WiFiManager monwifi;
// monwifi.resetSettings(); // raz des identifiants mmoriss
// monwifi.setTimeout(150); // dlai pour accder au portail en secondes
// fetches ssid and pass from eeprom and tries to connect. If it does not connect it starts
// an access point with the specified name and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration
if(!monwifi.autoConnect("AutoConnectAP")) { Serial.println("non paramtr"); }
else {
// Connect to Wi-Fi network with SSID and password
Serial.print("connexion au Wifi en cours ");
while( (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) && (i++ < imax)) {
} // fin de else sur monwifi.autoConnect
// si connexion au wifi
if((i < imax) && (WiFi.localIP() != 0)) {
// envoie les infos de connexion
Serial.println("Wifi connect.");
Serial.print("Address IP : ");
// dmarrage du service udp
Serial.println("Starting UDP");
Serial.print("Local port: ");
return 1;
} // fin de test sur i
else {
Serial.println("pas de rseau wifi");
return 0;
} // end of ConnectWifi()
// getNTP : fonction pour rcuprer l'heure sur le serveur NTP
byte getNTP() {
while( ConnectWifi() != 1 ) {
Serial.println("no wifi, cannot continue !");
int TZ = 0; // timezone
byte i = 0; // petit compteur pour dtecter la lecture du NTP
byte imax = 40; // nombre maximum de tentative de lecture du NTP
WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName, timeServerIP); // get a random server from the pool
do {
Serial.print("sending NTP packet... ");
memset(packetBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // set all bytes in the buffer to 0
// Initialize values needed to form NTP request
packetBuffer[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode
packetBuffer[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock
packetBuffer[2] = 6; // Polling Interval
packetBuffer[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision
// 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion
packetBuffer[12] = 49;
packetBuffer[13] = 0x4E;
packetBuffer[14] = 49;
packetBuffer[15] = 52;
// all NTP fields have been given values, now you can send a packet requesting a timestamp:
udp.beginPacket(timeServerIP, 123); // NTP requests are to port 123
udp.write(packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);
delay(1000); // wait to see if a reply is available
} while(!udp.parsePacket() && (i++ < imax)); // tant qu'aucun packt n'est reu
if( i<imax ) { // We've received a packet, read the data from it
udp.read(packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer
//the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
// or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:
unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
// combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
// this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
Serial.print("Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = ");
// now convert NTP time into everyday time:
Serial.print("Unix time = ");
// Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
// subtract seventy years:
NTPtime = secsSince1900 - seventyYears;
// print Unix time:
setTime(NTPtime); // ajuste la date et l'heure
// search if winter or summer time
int mois = month();
int jour = day();
int joursemaine = weekday();
if((mois > 3 && mois < 10) ||
(mois == 3 && (jour - joursemaine) > 22 ) ||
(mois == 10 && (jour - joursemaine) < 23 )) TZ = defaultTZ +1;
else TZ = defaultTZ; // winter time
NTPtime = NTPtime + TZ*3600;
return 1;
else return 0;
} // fin de getNTP()
DS1307 example of use with drift correction
Arduino Uno / ATmega328P wiring :
A5 = PC5 in pin28 => SCL for I2C
A4 = PC4 in pin27 => SDA for I2C
#include <TimeLib.h> // https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time
#include <DS1307RTC.h> // https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/DS1307RTC
#include <Wire.h> // allow to direct communication with DS1307
time_t t; // number of second since 1970
int drift = 0; // initial value of the time drift
void setup() {
// the function to get the time from the RTC DS1307
Serial.print("Initial date RTC & time is: ");
DisplayTime(); Serial.println();
t = now(); // get the RTC number of seconds of time since 1970
unsigned long ActualTime = t;
// get DS1307 NVRAM data
const byte driftOffset = 30;
byte Fcell0 = ReadNVRAM(0);
byte Fcell1 = ReadNVRAM(1);
byte Fday = ReadNVRAM(4);
byte Fmonth = ReadNVRAM(3);
byte Fyear = ReadNVRAM(2);
byte Fhour = ReadNVRAM(5);
byte Fminute = ReadNVRAM(6);
byte Fsecond = ReadNVRAM(7);
drift = ReadNVRAM(8) - driftOffset;
// calculate the number of days since the drift setting operation
if((Fcell0 == 1) && (Fcell1 == 1)) {
setTime(Fhour, Fminute, Fsecond, Fday, Fmonth, Fyear);
Serial.print("Flagged date and time: ");
DisplayTime(); Serial.println();
Serial.print("Drift value: ");
t = now();
unsigned long FTime = t;
unsigned int NumberOfDays = (ActualTime - FTime) / 86400;
Serial.print("Number of days since last drift test: ");
ActualTime -= (drift * NumberOfDays);
setTime(ActualTime); // update system time
Serial.print("Corrected date & time is: ");
DisplayTime(); Serial.println();
else Serial.println("DS1307 not operated for drift calculation.");
void loop() {
// automatic drift ajust time once per day when running
static bool onceDay = true;
if((hour() == 1) && (minute() == 0) && (second() == 0) && onceDay) {
Serial.println("Drift correction performed.");
onceDay = false;
t = now();
t -= drift; // update the number of seconds since 1970...
setTime(t); // update system time
} // end of test onceDay
else if( minute() == 1 ) onceDay = 1;
Serial.print("Current date & time is: ");
DisplayTime(); Serial.println();
// list of functions
// ReadNVRAM() : function to read DS1307 NVRAM 56 bytes memory
int ReadNVRAM(byte address) {
// DS1307 addresses
const uint8_t DS1307_ADDRESS = 0x68;
const uint8_t DS1307_NVRAM_BASE = 0x08;
Wire.write(DS1307_NVRAM_BASE + address);
Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_ADDRESS, (byte) 1);
return Wire.read();
// DisplayTime() : display NTP date and time
void DisplayTime() {
Serial.print(day()); Serial.print("/");
Print2digits(month()); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(year());Serial.print(" ");
Print2digits(hour()); Serial.print(":");
Print2digits(minute()); Serial.print(":");
// PrintNum() : display number within 2 digits
void Print2digits( byte number ) {
if( number < 10 ) Serial.print("0");
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