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Michael Huster
Published © MIT

The Drink Safely Cup

This cup work great as long as you don't drink out of by holding the handle with your right hand. If you do, it dribbles until empty. Fool!

BeginnerFull instructions provided6 hours557
The Drink Safely Cup

Things used in this project

Hardware components

I used both PLA and ABS. Takes about 100 g of filament

Software apps and online services


Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures

DrinkSafely stl file

Dribble cup. Don't hold handle with right hand and drink!


Drink Safely Cup

Dribble cup with a trick


Michael Huster

Michael Huster

-1 projects • 0 followers
I teach college physics
Thanks to Pythagoreus.
