Beatiful Candle with ESP8266 and WS2811 BreakOut
Create a candle array with NeoPixels that can be decorated for each holiday.
The Scent-terrific Smart Candle is made of wax, flickers like a real flame, emits scents though a wax warmer, and is controllable by Alexa!
Fast and simple project that imitates candle light powered with ATtiny85 and CR2023.
Make the ESP8266 board sings "Happy Birthday" tune, lights up NeoPixel to simulate the candle, and better yet you can blow the candle.
Create a flickering candle that you can blow out!
A 3D printed inductively charged "candle".
Home innovation project for Lane Tech PCL, Closes a lid on a candle after 2 hours of it being lit.