This device allows users to scan for drones, cameras, and other non-surveillance devices while sending alerts to your channel by Meshtastic.
Introducing AeroCommand: Hands-free drone control. Face and voice command your DJI mavic pro drone!
This is a multiwii 2.3 project with baro module BMP280 to build a mini quadcopter drone with diy brushed ESC (using mosfet)
An object detection drone wirelessly commanding a wheeled robot to perform tasks, mimicking the NASA's Mars Exploration Mission.
A Drone Delivering Medical Supply in Emergency.
Stereo Depth Perception on ESP32 S3, completely on board.
To teach students how to Integrate on LDR sensor on Pluto Drone .
To learn sensor integration and use its sensor values for actuation.
A servo motor is a type of motor that is designed to provide precise control of position and speed
This project enables an educational Nano drone called Pluto created by Drona Aviation to dodge obstacles from the frontal direction.
To use the mobile phone’s motion to control Pluto Drone's heading.
To teach students how to Integrate a Laser Receiver Module on Pluto Drone
An IoT-enabled parcel package system enhancing delivery safety by drone, managed via ACME and web application.
I added wireless single-axis joystick control to a BaseCam gimbal control board using 2 x ESP32-S3 dev boards over Bluetooth Low Energy!
Documenting how I tried porting ML pipelines to the KR260's FPGA for counting trees on the eventual flying edge.