Read more.xclk_freq_hz = CONFIG_XCLK_FREQ,
.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_96X96,
.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_GRAYSCALE,
.fb_location = CAMERA_FB_IN_DRAM,
.fb_count = 1,
Disparity Calculation:// Function to calculate binary descriptors
void compute_binary_descriptor(uint8_t* img, int width, int height, int x, int y, int block_size, uint64_t* descriptor) {
int half_block = block_size / 2;
int threshold = 128; // Threshold value for binary encoding
*descriptor = 0;
int bit_pos = 0;
for (int by = -half_block; by <= half_block; by++) {
for (int bx = -half_block; bx <= half_block; bx++) {
int pixel_x = x + bx;
int pixel_y = y + by;
// Boundary check
if (pixel_x >= 0 && pixel_x < width && pixel_y >= 0 && pixel_y < height) {
int pixel = img[pixel_y * width + pixel_x];
uint64_t bit = (pixel > threshold) ? 1 : 0;
*descriptor |= (bit << bit_pos);
} else {
// If outside boundaries, treat as zero (or handle as needed)
*descriptor |= (0 << bit_pos);
// Function to calculate Hamming distance between two descriptors
int hamming_distance(uint64_t d1, uint64_t d2) {
uint64_t x = d1 ^ d2;
int dist = 0;
while (x) {
dist += x & 1;
x >>= 1;
return dist;
// Function to calculate disparity using block matching
void calculate_disparity_block_full_ORB(uint8_t* imgL, uint8_t* imgR, uint8_t* disparity, int width, int height, int max_disparity, int block_size) {
// Initialize disparity map to zero
memset(disparity, 0, width * height * sizeof(uint8_t));
int half_block = block_size / 2;
for (int y = half_block; y < height - half_block; y++) {
for (int x = half_block; x < width - max_disparity - half_block; x++) {
int min_hamming = INT_MAX;
int best_disparity = 0;
// Compute binary descriptor for the current block in the left image
uint64_t left_descriptor;
compute_binary_descriptor(imgL, width, height, x, y, block_size, &left_descriptor);
// Compare blocks between left and right frames across full frame
for (int d = 0; d < max_disparity; d++) {
uint64_t right_descriptor;
if (x - d - half_block >= 0) {
compute_binary_descriptor(imgR, width, height, x - d, y, block_size, &right_descriptor);
int hamming = hamming_distance(left_descriptor, right_descriptor);
if (hamming < min_hamming) {
min_hamming = hamming;
best_disparity = d;
// Store the best disparity scaled to 255
disparity[y * width + x] = (uint8_t)(best_disparity * 255 / max_disparity);