Extend the number of use cases of the RASynBoard by adding additional sensors.
Logging temperature and sending data to InfluxDB server. You can see a temperature graph on the dashboard.
Learn how to create an outdoor heat index monitoring + alerting IoT project using Twilio and the Blues Notecard.
A simple temperature and humidity monitor based on the Particle Photon 2.
In this project will guide you to build an ML Cluster Based Cold Storage Monitoring System with Cellular connectivity.
Protect your loved ones with a climate-aware tracking system for epinephrine!
Add a quiet fan cooling system to existing equipment with this configurable controller.
Understanding the attire for your morning run based on differences in indoor & outdoor heat indexes built on Particle and local weather data
Using Edge Impulse for environmental sensing to estimate anomalies in logged data to meet storage conditions for Covid vaccine supply chain.
A simple-to-build streaming radiometric thermal imaging camera with powerful desktop software.
Arduino framework based App, developed in C/C++, using PlatformIO IDE on VS-Code. (Complete code open source on GitHub).
Learn how to add a Cellular IoT device to the Raspberry Pi Pico.
Gain thermal sensing, by using Neosensory's haptic feedback wristband Buzz.
How to check the temperature with no contact? The project combines PIR detection, IR camera and hand-gesture recognition for perfect safety.
Use two 915MHz radios to send/receive current environmental information and display it in real-time up to 350 meters away!
Inspiration for inventors of tomorrow: An accessible way of contactless skin temperature measurement. Join us to improve this project.
Using MKRFox1200 and a few sensors.
A Python script monitors CPU temperature and controls the fan using on-off control with temperature hysteresis.
Gives alert on telegram and also buzzer.
Design and build a portable biomedical monitor that allows obtaining a diagnosis in real-time and capable of determining possible diseases.
Build an inexpensive network of web-connected temperature sensors using Raspberry Pi Zeros.
To detect anomaly obtained in the temperature and send an alert message via message, mail and Telegram message.
Use an Arduino Nano 33 IoT board along with a suite of sensors to monitor the weather and automatically water your plants!
Obtaining the current sensor values using LM35 temperature sensor through SMS and e-mail by means of Google Assistant.