In this tutorial, we will be creating a Smart Positioning System using the Infineon "Connect things with code!" Contest Bundle. This system aims to accurately detect the position and angle of an object, overcoming the reliability and precision challenges often faced with magnetic objects.
What issue are we addressing?Accurately detecting the position and angle of an object often lack reliability and precision, making it challenging to achieve accurate control and interaction with magnetic objects in various applications.
Plan to resolve itThis combination of hardware offers increased accuracy and robustness compared to existing solutions. These components are excellent for accurately detecting and measuring the position and angle of the object. It enables real-time monitoring and control of objects in various applications, including robotics, automation, and object tracking systems.
Hardware IntroductionThe Infineon "Connect things with code!" Contest Bundle A includes essential hardware components for IoT and sensor-based projects, such as
- the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W microcontroller (PSoC™ 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit) for processing with wireless capabilities,
- the S2GO 3D TLE493DW2B6-A0 magnetic field sensor for 3D magnetic measurements,
- the S2GO HALL TLE4964-3M magnet position detector for Hall-effect-based position sensing,
- and the TLE5012B E1000 MS2GO magnetic angle sensor for precise angle measurement.
It's an ideal bundle for IoT, sensor, and real-time data projects.
Quick Demo
- Connect the USB connector and Open the serial terminal on your PC.
- Select Baud rate - 115200, Data bit - 8, Parity - None, and Stop bit - 1
- Reset the PSoC using the SW1 button. Now you can see the serial message on Tera Term
The User LED4 will blink when you press the reset button.
We will be using the PSoC 6 CY8CPROTO-062-4343W microcontroller to compute the positioning and angle of the object. The sensors included in the kit will be used to measure the real-time position and the angle of the object. Since the PSoC 6 has both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, we will be sending the object's coordinates and orientation wirelessly, which will be used to map the object in a 3D space.
Firstly, install the Modus Toolbox IDE from the official website. Next, install the Processing software on your computer.
Assemble the components including the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W microcontroller and the various sensors. Wire the S2GO 3D TLE493DW2B6-A0 magnetic field sensor to the I2C pins of the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W microcontroller. The I2C pins used are P6.0 (SCL) and P6.1 (SDA).
Calculate the position and angle of the object based on the sensor inputs. Processing software is used to visualize the real-time position and orientation of the object in a 3D space.
float angleX = 0.0;
float angleY = 0.0;
float angleZ = 0.0;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P3D);
arduino = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600); // Replace "COM3"
void draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2, -200); // Move the cube to the center
// Rotate the cube
// Set the stroke and fill colors
fill(150, 150, 250);
// Define the size of the cube
float s = 100;
// Draw the cube
void serialEvent(Serial p) {
angleX = p.readFloat()
angleY = p.readFloat()
angleZ = p.readFloat()
Project DemoFuture works- Wireless Communication Utilize the PSoC 6's Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities to send the object's coordinates and orientation wirelessly.
- Adding a 3D enclosure to make the project appealing for a real-time demonstration.
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