This is one of the projects in our upcoming learning kit for Analog Signals and Filter Design, a great circuit to learn analog filters
I worked on designing and simulating different amplitude modulation techniques using MATLAB and Simulink.
This tutorial shows how to generate FPGA IP cores using Vitis Model Composer, from modeling to deployment—step by step.
I worked on two key components: a lab report and an individual assignment.
I designed and analyzed a multi-stage amplifier using bipolar junction transistors (BJTs).
How to make an oximeter sensor to measure heartbeat and oxygen saturation in blood, using a few components that any maker already has.
Imitate musical instruments and make music with an Arduino and only few external components!
LIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. LIDAR is used for many applications including 3D scanning, mapping, laser guidance, etc.
This project is based on Arduino radar (HC-SR04) which is digitally visualized using Processing.
Learn how to sample at up to 500 kHz on the Raspberry Pi Pico and compute a Fast Fourier Transform on captured data
Learn how to add an FFT accelerator for Xilinx MPSoC devices using the Vitis acceleration flow.
This project walks through how to implement a simple FIR filter with pre-generated coefficients in Verilog.
Radio that works with analog signal is implemented digitally on FPGA via VHDL.
A wireless headset which allows you to control devices through cerebral waves. It works with two sensors and a Bluetooth shield.
How to sample with High Speed ADC and DAC in FPGA and perform signal processing on the received signal
Designing a fully pipelined and parallel FIR filter with float and fixed-point datatype. Using the Kria KV260 FPGA, HLS and Pynq
Zynq US+ is an heterogeneous device with different kind of devices inside. On this project I will show you how to use all of them together.
A Mobile jammer circuit with high flexibility and minimum cost to prevent the usage of mobile communication in restricted or selected areas.
Filters are a key element of FPGA based solutions lets look at how we can create a FIR filter and interact with it in PYNQ!
A portable EEG signal processor and storage device
You'll learn how to build your Active Low Pass Filter RC applied in Projects with Arduino
In this project we are going to implement an IIR filter in an FPGA from scratch using bilinear transform and the prewarping technique.
Continuing with my simple FIR filter Verilog module, this project walks through how to rewrite HDL logic when setup timing violations occur.
Application notes for Pmod MIC3 and Arduino Uno. In this app, the sound captured by the module is displayed in the serial plotter.