Robert John
Published © GPL3+

Temperature Reading with RPi Pico & MicroPython

New to embedded programming? Use MicroPython to read and display temperature and humidity on an LCD. No soldering or breadboard is needed.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour2,830
Temperature Reading with RPi Pico & MicroPython

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico
Seeed Studio Grove Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi Pico

Software apps and online services



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MicroPython Code for Temperature Sensor and LCD Screen

This is the code that you need to copy and paste into the Thonny Editor
# Weather Station. Requires:
# * Grove Shield, 
# * Temperature & Humidity Sensor,  
# * LCD

import utime
from lcd1602 import LCD1602
from dht11 import *
from machine import Pin, I2C
from time import sleep

dht2 = DHT(18) #temperature and humidity sensor connect to D18 port
i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(7), sda=Pin(6), freq=400000) # connect I2C
d = LCD1602(i2c, 2, 16) # connect the LCD
while True:  
    t,h = dht2.readTempHumid() # temp:  humid:
    d.clear() # clear the LCD so old text isn't visible
    d.print('T: {} C'.format(t))
    d.setCursor(0,1) # go to line 2 of the LCD
    d.print('H: {} %'.format(h))
    print('T: {}'.format(t)) # debug
    print('H: {}'.format(h)) # debug
    utime.sleep(5) # wait 5 seconds


Robert John
3 projects • 10 followers
Data Team lead by day, community and hardware builder at night. Arm Innovator, Edge Impulse Expert, Google Dev Expert.
