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Robin Herrmann
Published © LGPL

Arduino HMI Using State Machines

Create HMIs with state machines on Arduino by using YAKINDU Statechart Tools.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour2,362
Arduino HMI Using State Machines

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Our any other Arduino, which is compatible with the LCD Keypad Shield. I've used a Mega.
LCD Keypad Shield
Or you can reuse a 16x2 LCD Shield and use your own pushbuttons.

Software apps and online services

YAKINDU Statechart Tools
Free for non-commercial use. You can test it with a 30 days trial.
Eclipse C++ IDE for Arduino


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Robin Herrmann
8 projects • 16 followers
Software Engineer - Doing a lot of stuff with state machines.


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