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RobotGeek TeamWade Filewich
Published © CC0

Arduino Controlled Lock Box with Solenoid and RFID

The RFID Lock Box combines Arduino, RFID and a Solenoid to make your very own personal safe!

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours16,275
Arduino Controlled Lock Box with Solenoid and RFID

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RobotGeek Geekduino
RobotGeek Geekduino
RobotGeek RFIDuino Shield
RobotGeek Treasure Project Box
RobotGeek Relay
RobotGeek Relay
RobotGeek Small Solenoid
RobotGeek Panel Mount Squid Power Cable
RobotGeek 90 Degree DC to Pigtail Cable
RobotGeek 6V/2A Power Supply
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
OPTION: Can be used in place of Geekduino

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Wiring RFID LockBox

Wiring RFID LockBox


Github file



RobotGeek Team
35 projects • 208 followers
The RobotGeek team is a 6-man operation that wants to make it even easier to use Arduino to make electronics and robots.
Wade Filewich
35 projects • 103 followers
I make technology that makes plants grow
