"Our final project will feature our robot car in its Segbot orientation following a predetermined path with a target and current position as the parameters. We will accomplish this by using an XY graph in Labview, with a cursor following, which will feed X and Y coordinates to the robot car. Distance sensors will determine when the car reaches this target position, from which the Segbot will stop. We are also incorporating a certain “Wait” of around 100 ms in Labview so that the coordinates will not be sent to the robot instantaneously, reducing the transfer load over Wi-Fi. Within Code Composer, we will implement logic with variables “TargetBearing”, “Target X”, and “Target Y”. The target bearing will be the arctan(y/x). A distance formula is used to calculate the difference between the current and target position. We want the robot to face the target. For this, we set the turn rate to a default value to turn until the robot faces the target. Once the orientation is correct, the turn rate will be set to zero, and we use proportional control to drive the robot to the desired location such that as the robot reaches the target the velocity tends to zero. Essentially, while we move the cursor on the XY grid, the robot will orient itself towards the correct angle for straight driving, and then reach the location if it is within the distance of 5 cm of the target, the robot will stop moving. Also, the picture Box in which the mouse is moving has been restricted to 3mx3m which can move it to the space available in the ground. And even if the mouse goes out of the bounds of the
picture box, the robot is made to stay within the given area."