I’ve invited some fellow writers for dinner and this book went missing.
Paraphrasing John Goodman in The Big Lebowski: “This is what happens, Larry.”
Instead of sending who-stole-the autobiography-of-Klaus-Kinski email. I’ve decided to make a Nano Lie Detector (AKA Polygraph) for next dinner.
- Arduino Nano
- Analog VU-meter x2
- Heart Rate sensor
- Jumper cables
- Aluminum foil
- Switch
- Buzzer
- 5V power source
A polygraph is a device that measures physiological indicators while a person answers a series of questions. Deceptive answers will produce certain physiological responses that can be differentiated, for example: increased heart rate and changes in sweat gland activity (galvanic response).
There is a cheap sensor to measure heart rate and with some easy to find parts, a galvanic response sensor can be made. Arduino will read both sensors and display the information using a vintage analog VU-meter.
I’ve found 2 small issues during this project. One related to the VU-meter and the other one related to GSR. To move analog VU-meter needle you have to send voltage through a digital output pin using PWM and I’ve forgot that not all digital pins are capable of producing PWM. For Arduino Nano: pins 3, 5 and 6 can be used but not 4.
The other issue was related to galvanic response sensor. I’ve tested several ideas found on the web - no circuit at all, amplifications, filters, etc – but readings were not reliable until I’ve connected one jumper to a 300k ohm resistor and Ground besides A1 input.
CodeCode just reads heart rate sensor and sends coordinated tics to left needle, then reads analog input 1 (higher values means more finger sweat and a possible lie) to move right needle. Finally a comparison triggers the buzzer. There is a small setting named Threshold for the Heart Rate that has to be manually configured. It is the limit to start considering new heart beats. A potentiometer could be added to manually adjust this setting (instead of hard-coding)
Custom caseTwo 3D-printed rectangles, 4 screws and one handle from a drawer. Cardboard will work as well.
Download 3d printed parts for the Arduino Polygraph lie detector
DemoWhere to go from hereA button to differentiate answers, local storage and reports could be good improvements.
Customizations, Arduino and Raspberry projects