This is tutorial to help you understand ultrasonic and buzzer and go deeper into learning Arduino, follow these steps and give me feedback.
Choose a song with your remote and Arduino will play it. On the monitor will appear the musical note played.
Today we will make a buzzer play the Star Wars theme.
Stick this little electronic device practically anywhere and watch your friends go crazy as it beeps and blinks. They won't find it!
This smart stick can help blind people walk on the street safely without any help.
How to make a catchy song from Undertale on a piezo.
Quick project to interface PIR sensor to Raspberry Pi.
Configurable multi level breakout game for Elegoo Mega 2560 R3 with Elegoo 2.8 Inches TFT Touch Screen
This is a fun project for working with the Arduino and the piezoelectric Buzzer.
This is a tone selector with the ability to change the buzzer frequency by a potentiometer and to see the result on a 16x2 display.
Always forgetting the opened toilet lid? Men, let us educate you!
Popular songs and melodies generated with a buzzer
Detects intrusion and notifies house owner. The owner remotely watches the house and if any theft is suspected will turn on the buzzer.
This project is for beginners and is great for pranks.
In this project, we have created a set of leds and a buzzer, that are controlled by a joystick.
Protect your home from intruders and get alert in case.
You will learn how to make a servo move with an ir remote control and the degree measurement you will see on the lcd display!
A simple burglar alarm built using an ATtiny45. You can attach it anywhere and will it will inform when someone tries to steal something.
You can play highly specific frequencies by simply twisting a knob, allowing musicians to easily tune their instruments!
This security system aims to equip rooms with a cheap but fairly reliable system using ultrasonic sensors to detect movement.
The device beeps when a person or object near less than one meter from you.
Safety first! Upgrade any vehicle with this state-of-the-art safety technology that is designed to help you be a better driver.
In this project, we will learn how to control (ON/OFF) a buzzer using Google Assistant and IFTTT with the help of Bolt IoT module.
This article is discussing about using a Piezoelectric buzzer with Arduino Uno with and without tone() function.