- INTRODUCTION - From 1950 until 2017, India’s population has rapidly increase 74% which makeup into India current population which is 1.25 billion where 77% of the population is stay in gat urban. According to United Nations Population Fund (see www.unfpa.org), by2030 five billion of people will be lived in urban areas, therefore, there is no surprise where India produce an average of 30, 000 tons of waste every day and only 5% percent of it is recycled. According to Ministry of Urban Well being, Housing and Local Government shows that these waste are resulting in tremendous land and air pollution for the environment, health problems for communities and bottlenecks to the economic growth. Taken together, the problem of poor waste management in India is one of the nation’s biggest issues to date.
- Quick start: First Download Arduino IDE from official site link-https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software.If you are having a mathwork account then its okay if not make one.
- Setting up MathWorks account: Use this link(https://thingspeak.com/users/sign_up) to set up your account.
- A brief introduction to ThingSpeak API: According to its developers, "Thing Speak is an open-source Internet of Things (IoT) application and API to store and retrieve data from things using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area Network. ThingSpeak enables the creation of sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates".
- How to use ThingSpeak: First log in to your ThingSpeak account, go to channels, and then go to channel settings. Under channel settings, give your project a name and description in the "Name" and "Description" field. In order to activate the other fields (e.g. field 1 and field 2) click the boxes beside them. If you want to show garbage level on field 1 name it as distance(its not mandatory to use this). Click on API key there you'll find write API key, copy this API key and paste it in your program in the place of write API key. After this, go to private view to see your output.
4 projects • 38 followers
DIY enthusiast- Crazy Engineer,Mathematics is Love,Projects on Embedded S/W, Electronics, RC Vehicles.