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Andrea S.
Published © CC BY

Burglar at the Door!

Detect when someone is standing or kneeling close to my apartment door for a suspicious time.

BeginnerFull instructions provided6 hours722
Burglar at the Door!

Things used in this project


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Particle firmware (copy and paste in Particle IDE)

You may want to adjust the variables at the beginning of the code to improve detection threshold
// -----------------------
// Burglar_PIR - Andrea S.
// 29/02/2020
// -----------------------

// Hardware
int pirPin = A5;
int blueLed = D7;
int buzzer = A2;                    // optional buzzer alarm
int debounceDelay = 100;            // signal must be high for at least 100 ms
// Motion detection
int countThreshold = 15;            // how many times must the PIR trigger to generate a detection
int decTime = 5000;                 // every 3 seconds the trigger count is decreased
int divider = 2;                    // how fast is the counter decreased after a detection
int motionCount = 0;                // number of triggers
int pirState = 0;
int ledTime = 150;                  // blink duration

// Timer to decrease trigger counts
Timer timerDec(decTime, decMotionCount);

void setup() {
    // Set pin modes
    pinMode(pirPin, INPUT);
    pinMode(blueLed, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);

    // Test tone
    tone(buzzer, 1800, 150);
    tone(buzzer, 2500, 150);
    // Declare cloud variables
    Particle.variable("status", motionCount);
    // Start timer

void loop() {
    // read the state of the PIR signal into a local variable:
    int reading = digitalRead(pirPin);
    // check to see if it is a true new detection:
    if (reading == HIGH) {
        reading = digitalRead(pirPin);
    else {
        // PIR is not triggered
        pirState = LOW;
    // trigger detected
    if (reading == HIGH && pirState == LOW) {
        pirState = HIGH;

    if (motionCount > countThreshold) {
        // motion detected!
        motionCount = motionCount / divider;

void motionDetected() {
    // publish event
    Particle.publish("burglarPIR_motion", "motionDetected", 60, PUBLIC);
    // optional alarm sound
    tone(buzzer, 2500, 150);
    tone(buzzer, 2500, 150);

void blinkBlue(int times) {
    for (int i=0; i<times; i++) {
        digitalWrite(blueLed, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);

void decMotionCount() {
    if (motionCount > 0)


Andrea S.

Andrea S.

5 projects • 19 followers
Technology enthusiast, problem solver, creative thinker!
