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Maureen RakotondraibeSensirion Software
Published © GPL3+

Prototyping with Sensirion flex PCBs

Looking to build a prototype with the sensors on flex PCBs from Sensirion evaluation kits? Look no further, 3 options await.

BeginnerProtip30 minutes160
Prototyping with Sensirion flex PCBs

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Sensirion SEK-STC31-C
Sensirion SEK-SHT35/31
Sensirion SEK-STS40
Sensirion SEK-SHT40/41/I/A
Sensirion SEK-SHT45


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Maureen Rakotondraibe
3 projects • 6 followers
Embedded systems/software engineer / Passionate about interfacing technologies to create new solutions
Sensirion Software
7 projects • 6 followers
We are Sensirion's team of software engineers taking care of you developers and customers. We are looking forward to hear from you.


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