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Nurgaliyev Shakhizat
Published © GPL3+

TinyML FOMO: Detection of Rice Varieties using Edge Impulse

The real-time detection of seed rice variety using Edge Impulse's FOMO(Faster Objects, More Objects) machine vision technology.

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours679
TinyML FOMO: Detection of Rice Varieties using Edge Impulse

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
OpenMV Cam M7
OpenMV Cam M7

Software apps and online services

Edge Impulse Studio
Edge Impulse Studio


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Nurgaliyev Shakhizat

Nurgaliyev Shakhizat

70 projects • 172 followers
I am a hardcore robotics and IoT enthusiast. Email: shahizat005@gmail.com
