Hackster is hosting Impact Spotlights: Smart Home. Watch the stream live on Thursday!Hackster is hosting Impact Spotlights: Smart Home. Stream on Thursday!
Shubham Shinganapure
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Anti-Sleep Glasses

Sleeping on wheels is dangerous sometimes it may converts into fettle accidents. these glasses will alert you when you feeling drowsiness.

BeginnerProtip2 hours52,428
Anti-Sleep Glasses

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz
SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz
Battery, 3.7 V
Battery, 3.7 V
Solar Cockroach Vibrating Disc Motor
Brown Dog Gadgets Solar Cockroach Vibrating Disc Motor
General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Resistor 4.75k ohm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Code snippet #1

Plain text
<p>int Sinput = A1;    // creating or assigning an int type variable for sensor input signal<br>int Buz=3;            // creating or assigning an int type variable for output buzz and vibrator</p><p>void setup()      /// in void setup we make the selected pins output or input.
</p><p>pinMode(Sinput, INPUT);  /// here it is sensors pin  so we are defining here that this pin is input pin 
pinMode(Buz, OUTPUT); /// here it is the pin used for transistor to control it,   so we are defining here that this pin is output pin</p><p>}
void loop()  
       delay (2000);    // we are waiting for two second after the input pulse from the sensor. if the pulse is for more than  2 second then buzzer get triggered
       digitalWrite(Buz, HIGH);
        if(digitalRead(Sinput)== HIGH)
               digitalWrite(Buz, LOW);


Shubham Shinganapure
19 projects • 130 followers
I am an Electronics Engineer and hobbyist. Love to work with Machines.


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