After surgeries, many people feel weak and bloated. In order to fix this, they have to do exercises, however, many people don't realize this, or feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of things on the internet. We decided to fix this by making a simple video trainer that can also easily communicate with a person's doctor to provide status updates.
Project WriteupThe theme for the FCHacks 2020 Virtual event was “How can we increase the quality of healthcare using technology?”, and we resolved to address the predicament of rehabilitation of patients who struggle with the performance of daily tasks and undergo pain and other difficulties after surgery. Our subject pertains to the theme in that it enhances the quality of healthcare and recuperative care granted to patients after surgery and other procedures. Our solution proposes that patients input simple requested information into our provided program, which would allow the users to contact their doctors and do important exercises. This allows the doctor to supervise the patient’s care and return any necessary feedback, additional recommendations, etc. This is innovative, for it eases patients’ challenges, providing for a smoother rehabilitation and superior mood. It differs from existing solutions in that it streamlines doctor-patient relationships in a manner unseen before (no open-source programs or similar applications/projects exist to our knowledge).
PicturesThis project was made in a 24-hour timeframe, so some of the features that we would like to incorporate features such as motion detection with a Wii remote to aid in the feedback process from the computer about whether the patient was doing the right thing.
ShoutoutsHuge thanks to Oscar Portillo, my teammate!
Huge thanks to the amazing people at FCHacks for organizing this awesome competition.
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