Learn the basics of using the W5100S-EVB-Pico2 on CircuitPython with Adafruit IO by following this guide.
The project enables you to draw, sculpt, and do pottery in 3D using your hand gestures, view it in a hologram and export for 3D prints.
We aim to design a sustainable technology solution to make healthier diet options convenient for youths and adults with busy schedules.
I developed a comprehensive Banking Service System application.
AI computer assistant with natural language requests entry. Any action to perform on computer.
Album art from your currently playing track on a small, tiny and beautiful high resolution colour display powered by a Raspberry Pi.
Track your face using OpenCV's facial recognition.
Use Python to communicate between Arduino.
This guide provides detailed instructions on implementing face detection and face tracking in Python on the Ultra96-V2 platform.
What do you think in using Raspberry Pi & OpenCV to count moving objects that go in and out of a certain zone?
It's a simple surveillance system with motion detection and sends you the live image when motion detected using Telegram
Using MQTT, NodeMCU, DHT22, RaspberryPi and IoT MQTT Panel to monitor temperature and humidity.
Two example Python programs to use MQTT with AWS IoT for Raspberry PI / Debian / Windows
This model represents the lemma 'simplicity is the ultimate sophistication' Its designed to run on most computers, making AI accesibe to all
Highly scalable and powerful irrigation / hydroponic & aquaponic control system managing up to 32 zones with automation and sensors.
Uses a smartphone application to control a cursor.
Interfacing Nine DS18B20 Temperature sensors with Raspberry Pi and Displaying sensor data Using Python
Are you having problems in compiling OpenCV in Raspberry PI? Here you can learn how to do it easily.
This project aims to develop a solution to increase the amount of sleep people get.
Python does the image processing, Arduino controls the servos.
Xilinx Pynq framework allows us to combine Python and programmable logic. Let's look at how we can create a Pynq Image for custom boards.
This project emulates a Philips Hue Bridge that is able to control multiple types of lights.
Build a custom trash classifier using the Raspberry Pi and Lobe, a beginner-friendly machine learning program (without coding).
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how we can install python on our computer and how to use it with Arduino,It allows us to send data.