Sanitation station for hands and shoes, the procedure detects if the person is wearing a mask on their face, to avoid the spread of COVID-19
Your neighbor loves to blast Reggaeton music at full volume every morning at 9 am. Could this be an opportunity for an AI device?
SeeTalker tells you what it sees with the help of a Raspberry Pi computer, Microsoft image recognition and Alexa.
ChatterPi turns audio volume levels (from either .wav files or a mic) into servo commands, e.g., to drive a talking skull prop.
Get Xilinx Vitis AI hardware accelerated inference up and running with minimal effort using Python and PYNQ!
This getting started guide teaches you how to program Python on Digilent Arty Z7-20, the Xilinx Zynq Z7020 SoC platform.
Every robot needs to identify its owner.
Raspberry Pi running OpenCV on Python to play videos/movies on an SSD1306 OLED display.
An efficient module that comprises of face recognition using OpenCV to manage the attendance records of employees or students.
Build a car hacking spy device to remotely read and send CAN commands and track GPS location. All based on open source software/hardware.
Smart lighting is a catalyst for the IoT. In this tutorial we'll see how to control NeoPixel LEDs via mobile using the Zerynth App.
The idea is to create a program in Python 2 using OpenCV 2 to find the center of a line for a Linefollower vehicle.
Learn how to use machine learning on a Raspberry Pi in a remote environment (complete with cellular connectivity and solar power!).
The device which notifies via email or SMS for any sudden change in temperature or if it goes out of the defined threshold.
See how to read and set sensor values on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense using Bluetooth & Python. Demonstrated with the on-board RGB LED.
A python 3.x program that animates the spread of a virus using a SIR model. Runs on any computer with numpy and matplotlib.
Wemos D1 mini takes sensor readings and sends a POST request containing data to Flask Server on RPi 3. Data is then written to Google Sheet.
End-to-end demonstration of 3D object detection in LiDAR point clouds using a deep neural network running on the ULTRA96V2.
Automated T-Rex player using arduino and python.
Neural Network Algorithm to detect people wearing face masks and take actions accordingly
Teach yourself perfect pitch with the PPM! Use Python, sound, and buttons to make a pitch pipe on a Circuit Playground Express!
Facial recognition is a biometric software application capable of uniquely identifying or verifying a person by comparing and analyzing.
An introduction to Azure IoT Edge using Sense HAT and Raspberry Pi.
How to set up a Raspberry Pi with literally every single step explained. Assumes you want to run "headless" (without a monitor and keyboard)